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L'OREAL Extra Volume Collagen Mascara

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A few weeks ago I saw a commercial for this mascara staring Eva Longoria. Like ALL mascara commercials the actress or models lashes look out of this world good. I had to get my hands on this.

So, here's it's claims and then I'll tell you my thoughts.

12 x more impact instantly.

No flakes.

No Clumps.

No Smudges.

50% bigger than your classic brush.

Ok, so let me say this... this mascara does give some serious length however it took 3 to 4 coats to get it that way. After the 2nd or 3rd coat I noticed CLUMPS and my lashes were sticking together a little. There were no smudges just as they claim and no flakes. This is a waterproof mascara (which I didn't see when I bought it... I hate waterproof) and it's a beast to take off! The brush is a pretty nice size but for some reason it felt a little weird on my lashes. It's not a "soft" brush but it wasn't hard either. I guess what I'm trying to say is the brush bristles were a tiny bit rough but not in a bad way just a weird way. I found mine at Walmart for $6.48 and it came 2 for 1 in the package.

I think that this is a good mascara but not a great mascara. I'm by no means jumping around with joy but it's decent. I'm not sure if I'd recommend this if you have shorter lashes only because I feel like your lashes may stick together and we all know that's not the look you are going for.
Hope that was helpful if you were looking into buying this!:)


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hi everyone!! I'm not even sure if anyone goes on my blog XD but if you happen to pass by..please vote for my doggie here:
Thank you!!! heres the picture of her:

Back to school experience

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Last year both of my boys were in school. My youngest just transitioning from daycare to all day 4 year old kindergarten. Since my son was already in daycare in out town it was an easy transtion for him. He already went to daycare full-time, knew most of his classmates already, and was accustomed to playing with other children. It wasn't hard for any of us. They're always excited to use their new backpacks and shoes. I never let them wear they're school clothes/shoes until the first day so it's a treat for them.

I had to work full-time. NO choice. I felt so guilty about having my kids in daycare full-time. Even though my boys loved it. Seeing how well they both adjusted to school when it was time for each of them to start however made me realize some of the benefits of daycare.

Make Up Forever HD Foundation

Saturday, August 22, 2009

After months and months of searching for that perfect foundation...I finally found it. It wasn't an easy road to find it though. I had to deal with break outs, wrong colors, strange textures and weird smells. Then one fine day I gave this a chance and it was a match made in heaven.

Let me count the ways that I love thee....

This foundation is a medium to full coverage foundation. Normally I wouldn't go for a full coverage foundation because I hate the mask/cakey look that can come with that. This covers beautifully yet you still look like you and you can see your skin (minus the redness or discoloration). Out of all the foundations I've ever tried this photographs a-m-a-z-i-n-g.... you seriously glow. It's really hard to go wrong finding the right color seeing as they have 25 colors from the lightest to the darkest and everything in between. I'm using the color 120 and I love it.

This foundation will last you a long time because you only need a pump and half to cover your whole face....a little goes a long way. I like to apply this foundation with my fingers... I found I get the most natural look when I apply it this way.

It's $40 from Sephora.

This is what Sephora says about it and it could not be put or described better:
"It creates a soft-focus effect, designed to meet the coverage concerns of those in the spotlight. It creates a complexion that looks flawless, even in bright or harsh lighting."

I'm in love and I'm never turning back!:)
I also adore their Concealer Palette #1.... more to come on that...


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lockerz is a new website. It's still fairly new but you can be invited by a member to join early. WHY? Because you can get in early, start earning points now to get prizes before the big launch in October. If you're interested, email: scgodess@yahoo.com for a personal invite.

They have some great prizes listed already and most seem reasonably obtainable.

The Bunni's new beginning<3

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Since this will be a new beginning for me, I will first off introduce myself before ranting about how horrible my life is =_=".

Moodibunni's Intro:

My name is Jessica Chiu.
My other names:
-珈瑜 Jia Yu
-ひとみ Hitomi
- and now Pikachiu =3="
I am born in CA but my background is from Taiwan.
My birthday is on July 21st and I am now officially 18.
I graduated from Mark Keppel High School not long ago.
I will be attending California State University, Long Beach.

Bunni Likes:

  • Apples & Strawberry anything
  • Bunnies as you can see
  • I love other animals like doggies too
  • Singing at KTV for fun<3
  • ASAMU milk tea or flavored milk tea
  • cute pink girly things
  • accessories & mickey shaped things
  • My puppy Mimi (almost no longer puppy)
  • camwhoring..as in me holding my camera or with my approval
  • Taiwan & Japan
  • asian music<3
  • Anime + manga
  • Sorry..I like too many things so I shall stop ^^"

Bunni Hates:

  • science, math, almost all forms of sports (except swimming, ice skating, or rollerblading)
  • annoying people who don't give up when they should
  • not having money V_V like right now...
  • taking pix when I'm not ready
  • Fakes & Liars
  • going to any place with medical service T^T
  • bugs of all kinds!
  • being forced to do ANYTHING

Bunni's Addictions:

  • Japanese nails ( I can't stop T^T)
  • Eating<3
  • Buying things in general =_="

More about the Bunni....

I am seriously a big time procrasinator and VERY lazy ! ^^"
I don't really know what I should do with my life yet.
I really wish I could live happily without stress from so many issues.
I enjoy attention at times but publicity isn't for me.
I really wish I lived in a fairy tale..I seriously love the big poofy princess dresses *O*
Although I don't look like it, but I am probably the craziest one out of all my friends & the wierdest one.
People are usually happy with me around most of the time.
I myself is usually happy but I do have a horrifying temper when I am unhappy.
I love cute guys with nice hair but even so V_V I am still being loyal to my annoying b/f.

You know..I am really procrasinating right now because I am suppose to pack for my dorm @_@ so instead of me continue writing an endless entry about myself, hang out with me...talk to me...and as time passes, maybe you will get a glimpse of the freaky bunni<3

Weight Loss

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wow, so it's been a while since I've blogged. Bad me. This is a different type of post, though. It's all about my weight loss plan and goals. I do think fitness and beauty really do go hand in hand, though. When you feel fit and healthily you do in turn feel beautiful. So, this is what I've been doing.
I started working out a little over a month ago... it's very hard to get to the gym with two little ones but I've really made it a priority. I gained about 50lbs with my 2nd son... I thought the weight would fall off like it did with my first (lost all my weight in 3 months)... yea...so that was NOT the case this time around. :(
I had my baby Oct 31st 08 and seriously have not lost one single pound since the middle of November. Enough was enough and I had to get my flabby butt to the gym.
I started out at 128lbs and I'm down to 122lbs. My goal is to be under 110lbs. I seriously think I can do it but it will require work. This is what I'm doing so far:

3-5 days a week I try and get to the gym. I work on the elliptical for 20 minutes, treadmill for 10 minutes and stationary bike for 10 minutes. I then use the weight hula hoop for 3 mins, jump rope, lift 10/15 weights for my arms, lunges with a 12lb bar over my shoulders, and squats with a 3 lbs ball. I also have been doing 100"bicycle" type of crunchs with a 10lb weight behind my head. From what I've read the "bicycle" crunchs are the BEST to do for abs!

I'm loving weight training. I think it's essential for toning up...and it won't make you huge just nice and toned. I try and do 3 reps of 10 (so 30) on each machine.

I've really changed my eating habits as well. I'm trying to eat a lot more fruits, veggies and lots of protein. I've been drinking a yummy chocolate protein shake between meals.

When I was younger I thought not eating was the way to lose lbs but clearly that's not healthy or even the way to do it.

Eat right and work out.... and slowly the weight WILL come off. But, if you do it THIS way and not stave yourself than the weight will stay off and you'll get a nice toned ROCK HARD rockin body!

My current inspiration is a woman named Jennifer Nicole Lee. She lost 70 lbs after the birth of her 2nd son. If she can do it...so can I.

How is your weight loss plan coming along?

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