Need a blog button? try ibanner
Thursday, October 21, 2010
When I first started to get serious with my blog, I knew that having a shareable blog button was important to start getting my name out there and building my "brand". I had little to no knowledge on how to do it. Then Andrea from offered her services and created my shareable blog button that matches my blog theme.
Then when I did my Bonanzle event I wanted a button made for the event. I still didn't know how to do it. I recruited Andrea from again. Not only did she create a button but she made several so that I could choose which one(s) I wanted to use. ibanner's prices are very reasonable.
I've since learned how to create buttons but it does take time which I don't always have. I will continue to use for my button needs.
ibanner isn't just buttons though. She can create banners, "your ad here" spots and more. So if you're in need of a button, badge, or banner try first. Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, and More
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