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Merry Christmas!! (and stay tuned)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

I just wanted to take a minute and wish you all a very merry Christmas!  My family and I opened half of our presents earlier, and after church this morning we'll open what's left.  It's so hard to wait!  I opened the ones I knew about- my shoes, Bare Minerals (my present from my sister), and an outfit.  There are a couple of things left under the tree that I'm not sure about, but it'll give me something to look forward to in church. ;)
What have you guys received today?  I hope at least some of what you asked for!  My mom put the C.O. Bigelow Rose Salve in my stocking, and because of the deal at Bath & Body Works (buy 2 get 1 free) my sister got one, too.  I have it on my lips as we speak.  They're thanking me!
Anyway, I also wanted to let you know that I'll be doing a post about the makeup things I've gotten later on today.  I've tried the Bare Minerals already (I got the customizable 8-piece starter set), so I want to tell you my initial thoughts about it.
Merry Christmas, again!  Talk to you all soon.  :)


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