::SQUEAL:: Urban Decay will be on Hautlook again!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
If you've read my post for a while you'll know I'm a fan of Urban Decay cosmetics. It's a top quality cosmetic brand with edgy and vibrant colors. They even offer vegan options. This makeup is so me. What I don't like about it is the normal price. So, I scout sales, deals, coupons, and free shipping offers which aren't very often..
Back in December Urban Decay was offered on Hautlook for $2 per piece!!! Unheard of, cheaper than your cheapest brand at the local drugstore. But alas, I was strapped with Christmas shopping and felt guilty spending any money on myself.
It's ok though, Hautelook is making it up to me. Urban Decay will be on Hautelook again 3/31. I've marked my calendar. I have a feeling it's going to sell out fast this time. A lot of people on their facebook page have been talking about it. You can bet I'll be there with my virtual shopping cart full if it's $2 a pop again.
Hautelook is a daily deal site. You'll need to be a member to take advantage of this sale. It's free to sign up though. Do it now, not the day of the Urban Decay sale if you want it so you can get in, get your loot and pat yourself on the back for being such a savvy beauty shopper. You can sign up HERE if you're not a member yet. Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, and More
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