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Princess Mimi (Bambi Series) Apple Green & Photo Shoot

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

      I feel like I have so much to post, that I had a hard time deciding today’s topic. In the end I’ve decided that I really would like to share my Princess Mimi (Bambie Series) Apple Green lens with the world…or anyone that reads my blog ^_^!! On my previous Princess Mimi Sesame Grey review, I posted a few photos from the photo shoot I did with one of my best friends. The person who took the photos had to do a retake for his project and so, another lovely photo shoot for me =D!! Last time I wore the Sesame grey, so this time I decided to try out the Apple Green.

First off, I will review the pair of lovely lens that I bought off Eye Candy Lens~~I have been purchasing a lot of lens lately @_@ and I think one of my goals is to collect most of the Princess Mimi series♥!! They are all so GORGEOUS!!!

I must say, when I first tried the Sesame Grey, I was very impressed. This time I was not disappointed as well!! Well at least color, enlargement, and visibility wise. The green color was even prettier then the Geo Angel Greens! It was vibrant and really flattered the eyes, but not so vibrant that I look like my eyes are full of radiated kryptonite =D! Aside from the color, the pattern was BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love how it makes my pupil look like the middle of the sunflower, and gold/yellow patterns on the side creates an awesome sunflower effect! Also the enlargement looked really nice~~I’ve seen some extra large circle lens and it made a lot of people look alienish. With this lens it enlarges of course but for some reason it manages to magically keep eyes from becoming bug like ^o^!!!

Now..on to my disappointment…it was similar to the grey lens in where when I first put them on, I felt them. I didn’t feel uncomfortable on both eyes but I felt it on one side. I tried taking it out and putting it back in couple of times but I still felt it. It’s not painful but I just don’t enjoy feeling the edge of the contact in my eye. I’m unsure if it’s just me or if anyone else has that problem but I’m guessing it’ll get better the more I wear it. Overall, I think this doesn’t matter to me as much since the lens being so extremely gorgeous just makes up for it! If you do want super extremely comfortable lens, then this might not be for you~but if you don’t mind feeling it a bit, the awesome color and look of the lens will make up for it ♥


Comfort: 6.5/10 on one eye~~10/10 on the other (I couldn’t even feel my other eye =_=”..Hopefully the uncomfortable feeling goes away with more wears)
Enlargement: 10/10 LOVELY♥ Awesome enlargement without the nasty bug look
Color: 9/10 because I have seen a brighter lens but I would totally give this 10/10 in my book since I think the amount of green and the level of vibrancy is PERFECT FOR ME!!
Overall: 8.9/10~~I just had to take away a little bit of points because of the uncomfortable feeling on one eye, otherwise I would probably give this a 10/10 if it was completely comfortable since the color is WONDERFUL!! My favorite green lens so far♥ ♥ ♥


lens in the case

closer view of the lens~Sorry it's a little blurry @_@

Full Face~Look at Photo Shoot for more photos of full face

Closer view

Close up detailed view~You can see the sunflower like pattern and beautiful color~


I will share some of the unofficial photographs from the photo shoot since the official ones are taken by a huge camera that isn’t digital~~kind of like those old time ones where you use a huge black cloth to take!
smile smile~~
*Turn* SMILE~~
We love natural lighting♥♥♥
Sisters in heart, mind, and soul~~just not by blood.


Eyes are the windows to the soul~~as my friend said♥


Behind the scenes of me and my mirror♥

Happy Y^_^Y

I love the scenery~

unexpected photo =3=

Lovely day~~

Me keeping the portable dressing room from flying away~~

Well that's all for today~I have lots to update and review on from my huge shopping haul of makeup and my life in general~~but, school has a leash on me currently so I'll try my best ^3^!

P.S: I've been working on this yesterday and today with my suite mate!! I'm not an very artistic person so being able to complete this made me so happy! This is a present for one of our dorm mates ^o^!!

Wooden Box painted with black and gold and floral design~~Very Asian?

Thank You for Reading♥!!!


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