I'm taking the KaBOOM #parkaday challenge
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Have you heard of KaBOOM? To be honest, I hadn't heard of it until just a couple months ago when I came across some information about the KaBOOM Park a Day Summer Challenge.
KaBOOM is a national non-profit that is centered around saving play for our children. KaBOOM helps by building playgrounds where they're needed through volunteers, taking action for play by giving communities and individuals support and direction playground builds, online community to share ideas, and lots more. KaBOOM also is "mapping the state of play" by offering maps in your area of parks near you and finding out where they're needed most.That's the short version but KaBOOM really is doing a lot of things to advocate for our children's play and active outdoor activities. KaBOOM just recently builty their 2000th playground and Michelle Obama was involved.
KaBOOM Park a Day Summer Challenge is a fun way to get us involved. I decided to take the challenge. While doing a park a day would be nearly impossible for my family, I will be visiting as many unique parks as I can over the summer. If they're not on the map, I'll add them. If they are on the map I can add pictures, more details, updates, etc. I can participate by volunteering at a local KaBOOM build if I choose to. I can also try to start a build. I don't know how much I'll get done. I'm definitely going to visit as many parks as I can with my boys. That's one thing we love to do when it's nice. I'd also like to help KaBOOM map out the parks in my area and find out where my community could use more. It's great knowing i'll have active quality time with my boys outdoors and help my community in a way as well. With my 2 older boys being in cub scouts I think it would be a fun and rewarding experience if we could all get in on volunteering for a build in our local area.
There is so much info out there as to why getting out kids outside and active is so important. From KaBoom's great efforts, to Michelle Obama's "Get Moving" program, and Beyonce's flash workout tour in schools. Not to mention talking to your pediatrician. And best of all us adults will get outside more too. Heck I might even lose a couple pounds this summer. Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, and More
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