1000 Twitter followers appreciation giveaway!---CLOSED
Monday, July 19, 2010
I don't have 1000 twitter followers yet, but I'm getting closer, at last check I was at 901. When I hit 1000 twitter followers I'm going to giveaway a $20 Visa Gift Card. This is a just a token of my appreciation for putting up with all my blog and giveaway tweets.
If you want to be entered into my 1000 Twitter Follower Appreciation Giveaway you have to:
1. Be a follower of mine on twitter @angiewith3 (of course)
2. Leave a comment on this post stating that you are a follower and leave your twitter handle: IE @angiewith3
I will be verifying this.
I'm only going to do 1 bonus entry on this. If you have completed the above and would like a bonus entry:
BONUS: Follow my blog either via gfc or networked blogs and leave a comment telling me which one you follow me through. You get 1 bonus entry for each. So if you follow me on both you get 2 bonus entries.
This giveaway ends when I hit 1000 followers. (I will most likely not be able to draw it at exactly 1000 followers if i'm at work but the drawing will be a soon as possible from that. ) I will DM the winner on twitter. Open to any country that you can use a VISA gift card in.
LUCKY NUMBER 32 VIA RANDOM.ORG Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, and More
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