Free site for online parties and vendors
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
When I was a consultant for a home sales company I was always looking for a new outlet to showcase my products. I had heard of having online or eparties but was not sure where or how to start the proper way. I was lucky to fall on:
The owner of the site, Andrea, is friendly and helpful. She even had periodic events with multiple vendors back to back which was nice because some people would stay from the previous vendor party or come early for the next one and learn about your products.
This would also be a great meet and greet and different way to showcase your etsy shop, handmade items, and is great for all you home consultants like Tupperware, Lia Sophia, Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, etc.
It's very relaxed. I hate talking in front of people. I have sort of an irrational fear of that, so this was perfect for me. It was always a lot of fun. You choose the dates and times along with Andrea. When I last used the site 30 minute time slots were free and only $1 for an hour time slot. Please double check with Andrea on this when requesting to set up a party.
You can also request a party if you'd like to host an AVON party or another vendor.
I'm no longer a consultant and I am not compensated in any way for referring people. I just truly think this is a great tool to use for anyone looking for fun, unique, and relaxing ways to showcase their home business.
The site again is: Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, and More
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