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Countdown to Adult Braces: 12 Days

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Today, I realized there would be lots of things that I won't be able to eat anymore once my braces are on.  That means two years of no bagels, potato chips, peanuts, popcorn, caramel.... and so on.  While some of these things wouldn't bother me a bit (popcorn), some I will truly miss.  So my husband and I are having a going away party for me and my food friends.  Invited to the get together are:

1. Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips: I will surely miss you the most!!  :'(
2. Ridge Potato Chips and Dean's French Onion Dip: Parties will not be the same without you!!
3. Peanut M&M's: So sad to see you leave!
4. Whole Wheat Bagel Sandwiches: We've been friends since Freshman year of college!!
5. Cinnamon Raisin Bagels: Breakfast on the weekend will be less filling when you're gone.

Tonight I plan on gorging on all this junk while watching a movie with Brian.  I am reminding myself that it will be worth it in two years when I have a smile I love.


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