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scrubbing bubbles automatic shower cleaner

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I received a free scrubbing bubbles automatic shower cleaner from being a member of bzzagent.com. In my "bzzkit" was also the new scrubbing bubbles gel toilet cleaner with wand.

I cleaned my bathroom first. Then I put together the automatic shower cleaner. (didn't take much just had to insert batteries that came with it, insert hanging hook and the cleaner bottle.) I tried it right away just to see how it worked. I have a shower with a curtain so i was skeptical of how well it would work. There is a 15 sec timer before it starts spraying (my concern before trying was that i'd spray myself in the eye with it, but that does't happen with the timer.) You could hear it spraying but it doesn't spray long. Not sure if it goes around just 1 time. I wonder how well it's really going to work over time. I'll keep you up to date on it.

Also the scrubbing bubbles gel toilet bowl cleaner. I really wanted to try this because I am one who usually uses the 2000 flushes, or sani fresh hanging toilet cakes. With this one, there is an application wand already pre-filled with the cleaning gel. After you clean your toilet you use the wand to apply the gel disc to the inside of the toilet bowl. I was curious to see how well it would really stick. (each application is supposed to last for a week). The application was more difficult then it showed on tv. There is a button you push in and hope you don't push to hard fo it to click onto the next notch. It did however apply the gel and the disk is still in place after 2 days. It does seem to keep my toilet bowl cleaner than normal.

I also have a few $5 off coupons for the automatic shower cleaner I received as part of my bzzkit. If anyone is interested leave a comment on my blog and I'll be glad to get one to you while my supply lasts.


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