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Where oh where have I been?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I have really fallen off the bloggin' wagon. I'm so sorry. I really want WILL to get back into blogging again. I've been kinda busy lately. I have recently moved to a new house 3 weeks ago so packing up the old house and unpacking into the new house has been a big job... not to mention I have two little boys running around the house!:)
I have so many new products I want to tell you about that I think you will reeaallly love. That will be coming up really soon. So, until then here are some 5 really random facts about me.

1. Although it's bad for me I like to have two cokes a day. I'm really weird about it because I am not random about when I drink them. It's always the same time and the same way. I have a coke at nap time (1:30pm-4pm) and when my kids go to bed at 8:30pm. I always stick my coke in the freezer for a few mins to get it extra chilly. Note to self: don't leave it in the freezer too long...the can WILL explode.

2. I reaaallllyyy love to decorate but for some reason I can never get things how I see them in my mind or in a magazine. Maybe if I was a millionaire I wouldn't have that problem. Trying to decorate on a budget can be a challenge but it's doable.

3.I will see any movie Angelina Jolie is in....just because she is in it. Her beauty is like a freak of nature and it's just not fair. :)

4. I am only 5'2". People think I am taller for some reason (even in person) but then I stand up and they are like "wow you are short." Sometimes I wish I was taller but it's nice being short, too.

5. I can't stand to drink milk. It totally grosses me out. I will (very rarely) drink chocolate milk with ice in it but even then the thought if it makes me feel gross. Yuck.

Anyways, my beautiful friends.... I will be blogging again. I have missed it!!:)


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