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Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce Review and #Giveaway---CLOSED

Monday, February 7, 2011

 Random.org chose number 2: theladya and number 31 SLS as the winners.  Winners have been emailed and have 24 hrs to reply to winning email.  
***as a side note, please be sure to include a way for me to contact you when entering giveaways.  A number was drawn but there was no contact info: email, twitter id, FB id, for me to contact that person so unfortunately I drew another number.  I really hate to do that but I must have a way to contact***

I had heard about Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce but hadn't had the opportunity to try it yet. A sauce that you can really use for anything? Well I'd have to try that for myself.

I received two bottles of Original Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce to try.  I have to say that I'm not a fan of the traditional bottled BBQ sauce that you can buy up here in the north.  I don't know what it is, but I just don't care for it.  I didn't know what to expect from this sauce. Would it be salty? tangy? bland? sweet?  I was trying to decide what to make with it.

My 7 yr old has been bugging me since the end of last week to make sloppy joes.  He had to wait until I went to the grocery store to get hamburger buns.  So, I decided today I would go ahead and make him his sloppy joes along with some tater tots.  I thawed some ground turkey (yea that's right I snuck that in there too).  Went to get the sloppy joe mix and it wasn't there.  Either I imagined we had it or my toddler carried it off somewhere.  Hard to tell at this point.  My son was disappointed.  Then a light bulb went off, "duh, I could try using the Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce".  It's supposed to be all purpose right?

It smelled wonderful as I mixed it in the pan with the browned ground turkey.  I tasted a little bit of the sauce.  It had kind of a sweet, tangy flavor.  Maybe a hint and I mean a small hint of spiciness.

So I served up the sloppy joes and waited for their reaction.  They were eating them.  I didn't see any noses wrinkle or hear any complaints.  When they were about half done with their sloppy joes I asked them if they liked the taste of the sloppy joes with the County Bob All Purpose Sauce.  They said they did about the same as regular sloppy joe sauce.

I read the label to them as we were eating "hey kids, you can even use this on you tater tots.  My toddler tried this. He'd dip his tater tot, nibble it, dip it again, nibble it, etc etc.  I tried it to and thought it was just as good as using ketchup only with a little different flavor.

County Bob's All Purpose Sauce uses all natural ingredients.  As I read the ingredients on the label while I chewed my sloppy joe I was pleasantly surprised that I understood each and every ingredient in that bottle.  Simple things like garlic, vinegar, corn starch, etc.  I kinda like to know what I'm eating.

As an added positive for me the bottle is made from plastic, not glass.  My 19 mo old toddler knows how to open the refridgerater door now and worry about him getting at a glass jar.

It was also interesting to see that on the side of the label in smaller print it says "Christ is our CEO" with a little Jesus fish in the phrase.

Review Summary:  This is truly a handy sauce to have around.  Works like ketchup, BBQ sauce, sloppy joe mix, steak sauce, dipping sauce, whatever you need.  Keep a few bottles of this around and save some room in your fridge.

Ok enough about my experience, let's get you to taste County Bob's All Purpose Sauce.


Country Bob's is offering 2 FFCM readers 2 bottles of their original All Purpose Sauce.  
US only

Mandatory Entry:    Follow FFCM with Google Friend Connect
(don't forget to leave an email so I can contact you if you win)

Bonus Entries: Please leave a separate comment for each entry completed.

1.  Visit Country Bob's website and tell me one recipe you might like to try if you win.

2.  Follow Country Bob's on twitter: @countrybobs

3.  Like Country Bob's on Facebook

4.  Like FFCM on facebook.

5.  Follow FFCM on twitter: @angiewith3 and leave your twitter id

6.  Tweet this giveaway using the RT button in the upper left corner of this post OR you can use this phrase:

"  Enter to win 2 bottles of @countrybobs all purpose sauce on http://bit.ly/dQD7sE 2 winners 2/21 US @angiewith3 "

Can tweet 2 X per day at least 2 hrs apart.

Giveaway will end Feb. 21, 2011.  Open to US residents only.  2 winners will be chosen using random.org.  Winners will be contacted via email and will have 48 hours to reply to winning email.  If no reply at 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen.

***I received 2 bottles of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce to review.  I did not receive any monetary compensation for this post.  Any opinion expressed are my own. ***

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