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Tips & Tricks: A few of my favorites

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My schedule has been crazy this week.  Last week 4 out of my 5 classes got cancelled due to the Snowpocalypse we had here in the Midwest, giving me a 6-day weekend with nothing to do.  Lo and behold, come Monday I got an onrush of emails from my teachers with makeup work.  I'm taking two 4-hour classes and three 3-hour (I don't really have a choice), and I'm just now realizing how draining they are- like, just sitting in class and inhaling information is half the work.  Not to mention I don't remember the last day I got more than seven hours of sleep (most nights it's been about four), due to issues with friends and homework.  End rant!  I know I've apologized for the lack of posting before, but I'm here with it again.  I feel terrible that I haven't given this blog the attention it deserves.

Anyway, over break while I was experimenting with my makeup more, I realized the little random things I do in application that can make a HUGE difference.  So many of these tips/tricks I think we don't even notice since they become almost like second nature (like curling eyelashes?).  In light of this, I decided to make a blog post about my favorites and share them with you!
(I'm sure most of you already know or do these things in some form or another, but if any of them are new, that's great!)

1.  Curling my eyelashes:  My best girl friend (who occasionally does read my blog so she might see this soon ;)  has the longest, thickest eyelashes I've seen in a long time (this is kind of weird actually but my other best friend growing up was Greek and also had insanely gorgeous eyelashes).  She doesn't always wear mascara, but every time we get on the topic I want to slap her upside the head for not owning an eyelash curler.  Her lashes would be so insane!  I'll forgive her.  My point is that after curling my eyelashes for so long, I can't ever go back.  My lashes just don't look full/long without doing it.

2.  Winging eyeliner:  With eyeliner, I always try to do it in way that "lifts" my eyes, and winging it out gives this illusion perfectly.  I wing it up so it follows the natural curve of my eyelid, and I just go slightly beyond my eye- nothing too far.  I also never line my entire lower lashline or waterline- it just doesn't really work on me.  I line the lower third to half, and then smudge it so the line isn't harsh.

3.  Eyeshadow application:  On the same page as the winged eyeliner, I try to apply eyeshadow in places that really "open up" my eyes (my eyes are on the smaller side so anything I can do to make them look bigger I try!).  I always focus darker colors on the outer third of my lid, and my favorite technique is to do a kind of gradient- I do lightest to darkest eyeshadows going from the inner corner to outer corner of my eyelid.  Usually I don't do a heavy crease color because I find this makes my eyes look smaller; if I do want some extra definition, I focus it just above the outer third of my eyelid and blend it towards the center.

4.  'Fanning out' mascara:  I don't know if that's the technical term for this tip lol, but with mascara I always apply it in an outward sweeping motion (I'm not sure if that makes sense!).  It makes my lashes look fanned out to the sides instead of just going straight out to the front, and opens up my eyes a little.

5.  Lip balm for eyebrows:  I was reading a review of Smith's Rosebud Salve over at Musing's of a Muse awhile back, and she talked about all the different uses for the lip balm, one of them being to keep eyebrows in place.  I have the C.O. Bigelow Rose Salve which I decided probably worked in a similar way.  I dab a little bit (just a little!) of this onto my eyebrows after my makeup is done and it really helps keep them in place.

6.  Blush application:  I'm one of those people who are constantly on the fence about blush.  I think it looks great on other people, but I go through phases where I find it either beautiful or hideous on myself.  Last spring sometime I read in a Seventeen magazine to focus blush right on the highest point on your cheekbones, going up towards your temples.  I do this all the time now, because it never looks overdone or childlike.

7.  Mineral powder foundation as concealer:  My sister gave me this idea when she bought me Bare Minerals for Christmas.  I use it both under my eyes and on blemishes, and it really makes a big difference!  The only problem is the lasting power isn't great, so on days I have unusually big spots to cover I'd probably layer this over a cream/liquid concealer.

That's it for now!  Any other tips/tricks you guys do that you'd like to share?  I'd love to hear.
Have a great day!


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