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Weight Loss

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wow, so it's been a while since I've blogged. Bad me. This is a different type of post, though. It's all about my weight loss plan and goals. I do think fitness and beauty really do go hand in hand, though. When you feel fit and healthily you do in turn feel beautiful. So, this is what I've been doing.
I started working out a little over a month ago... it's very hard to get to the gym with two little ones but I've really made it a priority. I gained about 50lbs with my 2nd son... I thought the weight would fall off like it did with my first (lost all my weight in 3 months)... yea...so that was NOT the case this time around. :(
I had my baby Oct 31st 08 and seriously have not lost one single pound since the middle of November. Enough was enough and I had to get my flabby butt to the gym.
I started out at 128lbs and I'm down to 122lbs. My goal is to be under 110lbs. I seriously think I can do it but it will require work. This is what I'm doing so far:

3-5 days a week I try and get to the gym. I work on the elliptical for 20 minutes, treadmill for 10 minutes and stationary bike for 10 minutes. I then use the weight hula hoop for 3 mins, jump rope, lift 10/15 weights for my arms, lunges with a 12lb bar over my shoulders, and squats with a 3 lbs ball. I also have been doing 100"bicycle" type of crunchs with a 10lb weight behind my head. From what I've read the "bicycle" crunchs are the BEST to do for abs!

I'm loving weight training. I think it's essential for toning up...and it won't make you huge just nice and toned. I try and do 3 reps of 10 (so 30) on each machine.

I've really changed my eating habits as well. I'm trying to eat a lot more fruits, veggies and lots of protein. I've been drinking a yummy chocolate protein shake between meals.

When I was younger I thought not eating was the way to lose lbs but clearly that's not healthy or even the way to do it.

Eat right and work out.... and slowly the weight WILL come off. But, if you do it THIS way and not stave yourself than the weight will stay off and you'll get a nice toned ROCK HARD rockin body!

My current inspiration is a woman named Jennifer Nicole Lee. She lost 70 lbs after the birth of her 2nd son. If she can do it...so can I.

How is your weight loss plan coming along?


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