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Backstabbers, liars, and then there's your enemies

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I know, I know the titles a bit much but I was hoping to catch your attention. Guess it worked. I want to talk about the way people treat each other today. I have to admit this post was sparked by an undeserved, unfriendly note I received on my car yesterday morning but it really makes a person think.

Sometimes it's so frustrating. It seems that people would sooner stomp on your foot than do anything nice for another person. Yes I know there's alot of people helping with Haiti and such. That's good, I mean it, that's what gives me hope. Let's consider your neighbors, coworkers, friends and family.

I talked to a friend the one day. She knew a girl that had moved to the US from another state. She said "She told me how surprised she was at how much people talk about each other here." I guess I hadn't thought much about it, but realized the statement had some truth. Then at my sons' wrestling practice I had a discussion with another mother. She told me she was from Philadelphia. She said she liked it in Philadelphia better, because people talk about each other too much in this small piece of PA. I started paying more attention. I mean I always knew it happened but didn't realize how much until I actually listened. People will talk about someone as soon as they leave the room then when they come back into the room smile at them and ask them how their day was.

What happened to guys getting up to give a pregnant woman a seat? What happened to younger people opening the door for an elderly person? Why do people assume the worst about a person even though it's probably not true?

I could go on and on but you get the idea. I made two new year's resolutions this year. One was to eliminate my debt. The 2nd, make sure I do or say something nice to someone, daily, that I many not have done or said before. I'm in no way saying I am without fault. I know that I've done and said things that are regrettable.

Tell a stranger that their sweater is pretty, tell your sister she's a good mom out of the blue, Tell your husband/wife that you appreciate them, help your elderly neighbor by shoveling their sidewalk, tell your boss what a good job your coworker has been doing, and for goodness sake don't leave a mean not on your neighbors car for virtually no reason.

I think alot of people are very quick to point out the negatives and forget to be grateful for the positive things.


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