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What do you think about the Russian ice dance last night?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I totally missed the folk dance part of the ice dancing where the Russians are getting heat for the inaccurate aboriginal dance.  I did however catch their performance last night where they had ropes attached to their costumes that they used to do their lifts. So ok, it was allowed because there is nothing in the rules. It bothered me though watching their performance. It just felt like they were cheating to me.

After their performance the commentator made a statement with something to the affect that, we would probably see a new rule regarding costumes in the next olympics due to the ropes.  I mean, all the other countries are using their hands and lifting/flipping/carrying their partners in that way.  It seems to me that's the way it should be.  The Olympics are the best of the best.

I probably could have got over it,  until,  the Russians bumped the Americans out of 3rd place to medal. It just didn't seem right to me.  What is your take on it?

I have a link to a story i found regarding the aboriginal performance:

And one to the costumes from last nights performance, found this on another blog and completely agree with her:


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