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Prestige Pure Shimmer

Monday, November 24, 2008

I went to Walgreens and picked this up today. Lollipop26 reviewed this on her blog http://lollipop26writes.blogspot.com/2008/11/prestige-kind-of-day.html and it looked beautiful on her... though she can pull everything off so I had to try it, too!

I don't really care for this color to be honest with you so I think I'm going to take it back and it the Glam Tan I believe it's called (they were out today so I grabbed the Pure Shimmer).

These things smell like CLAY! Yuck yuck yuck! It's a very strong smell, too! The smell doesn't linger but it's strong at first! The Pure Shimmer is way to light on me and totally washes me out.

Fingers crossed they get the Glam Tan soon because I'm not digging this one!!:(


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