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My Coastal Scents Neutral Palette came

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ok, to be honest with you I have not had ANY time to try it. I had my 2nd baby on Oct 31st...so with a newborn and a 17 month old you think I have any time to do anything... uh no. I normally can't stand it when a package comes I barely make it up the driveway before it's opened... my Coastal Scents palette was sitting on my doorstep when I came home from the hospital and I didn't even get a chance to open it until wayyy late in the evening. I had wayyy better things to do that night... hold my new son and hold my other son. Now THAT is pure bliss... better than any joy a new cosmetic can bring...a million billion times better!!:)
I will give it a good try in a few days when I have some time and I'll let you know what I really think about it. I did try it once but I really didn't have time to spend on my eyes so it didn't really look amazing. So far... I think the colors are really pretty... but I think my expectations were way high about it from what everyone has said... I'm a tiny bit disappointed but I really only tried it once so I'm not going to pass any judgements about it. Can't wait to give it a good try and see if it's as pigmented as everyone says and see how long it lasts on my eyes throughout the day!!


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