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So Ceylon vs. Chroma Face Glow in Sunstone

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So, I've had a chance to try out the MAC MSF So Ceylon and I really like it however I still think the Chroma Face Glow is better. Crazy, huh? The So Ceylon is a very pretty and very well pigmented and goes on amazing. I find the Chroma Face Glow easier to work with to tell you the truth... not that the So Ceylon is hard to work with but I think that because of the pigmentation it could have the potential of going on too dark. One or two swipes of the Chroma and you are good to go.
The Chroma face glow has a little more shimmer highlight and pink tone where the So Ceylon had more of a copper look.
I think the NYC is more beautiful.. it has dark cranberry/brownish/goldish veins it.
The MAC So Ceylon is $25 and the NYC is $4.99.
Putting the price a side which is veerrryy appealing.. I think I'd still grab for the NYC first.

Both products are great though...Well worth the money for either!

Here is the So Ceylon and NYC Chroma Face Glow- very similar shaped containers

As you can see the colors are very close but the NYC has more vaining. Beautiful.

NYC Chroma Face Glow in Sunstone on the left and MAC So Ceylon on the right. Very close but like I said the NYC has a little more pinky shimmer and the So Ceylon has a more copper look.


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