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Hoola by Benefit Review

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I heard a lot about this bronzer throughout the years but never gave it a 2nd thought. I've become addicted to makeupalley.com and youtube make-up reviews and started hearing really great things about. I went out and got it and the first day I tried it I thought I made a big mistake buying it!! However.. there is an art to using Hoola...at least for me because I have kinda fair skin. When I first tried it I looked muddy and it showed every single line on my forehead and face... I was using to much. YOU ONLY NEED A LITTLE!! A little goes a lonnnng way with Hoola. Don't go over overboard with it! I found out that it makes a great cheekbone contour. I take my blush brush and put just a little on my cheekbones, forehead, chin and nose...everywhere the sun would naturally kiss my face. Ever sense I figured out how to use it right I've been very pleased and think it's a very beautiful color.



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