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Great Eyelash Tip

Friday, October 24, 2008

I remember reading in Teen magazine when I was in middle school a trick to having long curly eyelashes. I swear by it and think you should try it if you haven't already.

All you need is a hair dryer and an eyelash curler...

Eyelash curlers work better when they are slightly hot. You can heat them up by gently using a hair dryer. Place the eyelash curler under the blow dryer for approximately five seconds under low heat. After heating, open the eyelash curler and position near the root of your lashes. Hold the eyelash curler at your eyelashes for ten to (I always count to 20) thirty seconds. Remember the longer the hold time the more curve you will get. As you move up your lashes clamp and unclamp the curlers.

So, if you've never tried a heated eyelash curler you are missing out!! You will be amazed with the results I promise you! Go give it a try!:)


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