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N.Y.C Chroma Face Glow

Friday, October 17, 2008

I was at the supermarket going to buy my son formula and I thought ah what the heck why not stop by the beauty dept while I'm here and this caught my eye. I ripped open the package as soon as I got in my car and put it on my cheeks with my finger...and to my supirse it's awesome!! I'm lovin this stuff.. it's such a beautiful color anddddd...it's $4.99. YOU CAN'T BEAT THAT!! It's an amazing color and highlights the cheeks amazing! I bought one but I'm going to rush back asap to get another because it's limited edition for fall...and I don't wanna miss out on it. This is the first time I ever bought N.Y.C...who knows if I'll buy any of their other products but I'm sold on this for sure!!:)
This color is Sunstone!


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