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The Budget Babe

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Here are some ideas or tips I've learned along the way to still look like a million bucks without breaking the bank...if there is even a bank to break!

Tip #1-
Go to your local beauty school for a hair trim. I've been trying to grow my hair out for ages and when I need a trim I only want a half an inch off (if that)... so why pay someone $45 to take a half an inch off when you can go to the beauty school and have someone do the SAME thing for $6-8!! That's a no brianer!

Tip #2-
Either color your hair yourself or go to the beauty school. I've been coloring my hair myself for years but as my hair has gotten longer and being as pregnant as I am it has become kinda hard and I found myself missing parts of my hair or getting the dye everywhere. I went to the local beauty school last month and had one of the girls do it for me and it cost me $20 but if I would have went to a real salon it would have been $50-60. I think it came out great!

Tip #3-
I really wanted to get a brow highlighter but all the ones I saw at Sephora were $20 and up. At the time it was either $20 for a brow highlighter or $20 for diapers for my son...hmmmm...duh... of course I'm gonna spend that on things we NEED and just not on what I WANT so I thought in the meantime I'd just get a really light stick consealer (I got a Rimmel for $4) and it does the trick for now.

Tip #4-
Do your own french mani/pedi... it's not as relaxing or even nice looking but hey... still looks good and polished!

Tip #5-
This is not make-up related but it's an easy way to make money... take the clothes you aren't wearing to your local resale shop... wait for them to sell and get some mad money. I just picked up a check for $50! Whoo hoo!


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