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Lilash week 3

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ok, to say that I'm excited about Lilash is an understatement. It's working! It's really, really working. To be honest with you my hopes weren't extremely high for this product. I'm some what of a sceptic. It's been 3 weeks and I can honestly say it works. I can't wait to see the growth in the weeks to come. I'm very excited about it but I'm not going to lie and say it was all smooth sailing. At first I have extremely RED ("rabbit eyes"), purple circles under my eyes, and very puffy red eyelids. My eyes are still red from using it but not as bad. When I said bad...I mean bad. Everyone thought I was crying all day. I've heard other girls say the same thing happened to them...so that's a warning. Invest in Visien drops!
My lashes are stronger, ticker and longer to the touch. My lashes take mascara and curl ten times better than before. I'm hoping they continue to grow and grow. Here are some Before and After pictures. This is only the 3 week mark and I'm told this is ONLY the beginning. :) My husband asked if I was wearing false lashes...so that's always a plus!
3 week mark picture...as you can see my eyes are a bit red.

3 week mark picture #2

Before...sad sad sad lashes...small and straight. Didn't take mascara well.

Sad pathetic old lashes.

search for lilah here-


Two Faced Lipgloss

Monday, March 23, 2009

I've really neglected my blog...sooo sorry! I haven't had anything really exciting to share with you girls. I was at my local TJ Maxx yesterday and I found these...and believe me...I was SO excited! I found these Two Faced Lip glosses for $3.99... yea $3.99. The colors are sooo pretty! The color payoff is ok nothing dramatic just a light gloss with some shimmer. I really like them a lot. I don't think I've ever seen them at Sephora.

(L to R- Trust Fund Baby, Private Jet, Champagne Wishes, Billionaire Boyfriend)

(Billionaire Boyfriend, Champagne Wishes, Trust Fund Baby, Private Jet)

(L to R- Trust Fund Baby, Private Jet, Champagne Wishes, Billionaire Boyfriend)



A simple, quick, wearable green eye

Monday, March 16, 2009


Hair products I regret buying

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Blog name change... coming soon!

I think I'm going to change the name of my blog to "Bella Makeup" just like my url name is http://bellamakeup.blogspot.com
I don't really like the name of my current blog...lol...I made it late at night without thinking.
So, just wanted to give you a heads up so you can keep a look out for the new name!!:)
Have a good day, girlys!!:)


MAC Grand Entrance = sweet love!

Friday, March 13, 2009

I finally got a chance to check out the CCO (Company Cosmetic Outlet). I had no idea there was a CCO less than 30 minutes from my new house. YIPPEE! That's exciting news for me. There wasn't a HUGE selection of things that I had to have but that's probably a good thing. It's want vs need... and truthfully I don't NEED any of it.
I did find something that I love love love... and I didn't know that it was a limited edition eyeshadow until I got home so... that means I'm going to have to go back and buy ALL of them!:) Wait... want vs need...nooo I NEED THIS!!!
It's the MAC Grand Entrance eyeshadow. It's a stunning color...let me tell you. It's a pretty light champagne color with a pearl undertone. I'm kinda in love with it.
Here are some pictures of my new love. Have you girls ever tried this color??


Korres Foundations in comparison to others

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

As requested by Policosmetics82 on YT here are the swatches for the Korres foundations. As you can see all of the foundation are very close to each other in color as well in coverage. The Korres Ginger and Vitamin is the lightest and the one that I like the most out off ALL of them. I do NOT like the MAC Studio Fix Fluid because it breaks me out and smells but but the coverage is good..I'll give it that.
I really like the Korres Wild Rose... it gives great coverage, smells good, great for the skin. This will be my night time foundation as it is a little to thick for me for the day. My love for the Ginger and Vitamin continues. It's the PERFECT foundation.. in MY eyes. I had to get a different color than the one that I first bought..I was wayyy to yellow. Odd numbers are for warm skintone and even numbers are for cool skintones... I think I told you girls it was the other way around. SORRY!! Hope this helps!:):)


Mini Haul

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Here are a few things I've gotten in the past week or so...


A new favorite

Monday, March 9, 2009

This is what I call a GREAT FIND! I've never used a Jane product before but last week I was in Walgreens and this caught my eye. I'm SO glad I found it. It's a really beautiful product. The color is called Soft Mink. It's cheap in price but NOT in quality! The payoff is amazing!


A very simple QUICK netural eye

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

All you need is...
MAC Fix + to spray your brushes. This look works best when the shadow is wet.
MAC Naked Lunch...my ALL TIME favorite eyeshadow.
MAC Satin Taupe
NYX Pearl Mania in Pearl ($1.50 on eBay... you can't beat that)
And you'll need liner and mascara, of course!
This can seriously be done in 5 mins! It's a quick eye for busy girls like moi!

Watch my video for what I did and how simpe and FAST it was!!


In & Out

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I've seen this on a few other peoples pages and I always enjoy reading them so I'm going to do one tonight.

What's IN-

1. Korres Ginger & Vitamin Foundation (best foundation EVER).

2. NYX Pearl Mania in Mocha. This color is seriously amazing and only $1.50 on ebay!

3. Jane Mineral blush in Soft Mink. I picked this up at Walgreens yesterday and oh my gosh... I'm so in love with the color. It's one of my new favorite and it's so cheap! Great find!

4. Straight to the point YT review videos. I love being inspired to get the product when the person is excited about.

Whats out-

1. Studio Fix Fluid... breaks me and a lot of people out! That's never good. I think it smells super funky, too.

2. Smashbox photofinish in the green color. It didn't help my reddness at all and it made my face feel slimy.

3. 20 minutue YT videos explianing one product. It doesn't keep my full attention. I like short and sweet... to the point.

4. WINTER!!!!! I hate the cold. It's so out! I wanna live where there are palm trees.


My TRUE Love is NOT make-up!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

First pic- me PRE-BABY!!!! Man I wish I could fit into those jeans again!!:( Someday. I hope, I hope, I hope!!:)
2nd- My oldest and I when he was a baby (14 weeks old)
3rd- My husband and I when I was 9 1/2 months preggers w/ 2nd baby
4th- My oldest...brrrr it's cold out!!
5th- My youngest guy


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