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Two Faced Lipgloss

Monday, March 23, 2009

I've really neglected my blog...sooo sorry! I haven't had anything really exciting to share with you girls. I was at my local TJ Maxx yesterday and I found these...and believe me...I was SO excited! I found these Two Faced Lip glosses for $3.99... yea $3.99. The colors are sooo pretty! The color payoff is ok nothing dramatic just a light gloss with some shimmer. I really like them a lot. I don't think I've ever seen them at Sephora.

(L to R- Trust Fund Baby, Private Jet, Champagne Wishes, Billionaire Boyfriend)

(Billionaire Boyfriend, Champagne Wishes, Trust Fund Baby, Private Jet)

(L to R- Trust Fund Baby, Private Jet, Champagne Wishes, Billionaire Boyfriend)



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