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MAC Grand Entrance = sweet love!

Friday, March 13, 2009

I finally got a chance to check out the CCO (Company Cosmetic Outlet). I had no idea there was a CCO less than 30 minutes from my new house. YIPPEE! That's exciting news for me. There wasn't a HUGE selection of things that I had to have but that's probably a good thing. It's want vs need... and truthfully I don't NEED any of it.
I did find something that I love love love... and I didn't know that it was a limited edition eyeshadow until I got home so... that means I'm going to have to go back and buy ALL of them!:) Wait... want vs need...nooo I NEED THIS!!!
It's the MAC Grand Entrance eyeshadow. It's a stunning color...let me tell you. It's a pretty light champagne color with a pearl undertone. I'm kinda in love with it.
Here are some pictures of my new love. Have you girls ever tried this color??


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