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Blog Roll

Monday, September 21, 2009

I decided to start my own blog roll. If you want to exchange blog links or buttons I'll add yours here.

1.  Precisely Mine: http://preciselymine.blogspot.com/
2.  Walk With Me:   http://www.shoni-walkwithme.blogspot.com/
3.  Frugally Fabuloso:   http://frugallyfabuloso.blogspot.com/
4.  The Things We Find Insidehttp://thethingswefindinside.blogspot.com/
5.  Going Green with Noahhttp://www.goinggreenwithnoah.com/
6.  My Melting Pot:  http://letsshop2gether.wordpress.com/ 
7.  Work at Home Momma:   http://wahmgiveaways808.blogspot.com/

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