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Daily Make Up Survey

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I saw this on http://beautybroadcast.blogspot.com and thought this was such a fun tag! What did you do today??

1. What time did you do your makeup today? 9:30am. I had to hurry to get out the door with my kids for a brunch with my family.

2. What's the least expensive beauty item you used? .99 Jordana lip liner

3. What was the biggest problem you needed to correct? undereye circles

4. Did you apply false eyelashes? Nope, I don't have time for that on a daily basis.

5. Did you do anything while applying makeup? My 2 year old sat on my lap and my 10 month old kept getting into my make up bag and he was trying to eat my brushes so I was trying to get those away from him. Ha ha. Oh the life of a mom! Nothing is ever simple.

6. Biggest makeup mishap today? The lip liner I used reallllyyy needed to be sharpened but I kinda had my hands full so I put it on anyway. It pretty much scratched my lip.

7. Did you have a makeup inspiration in mind? Sadly, no.

8. What's the most time-consuming part of your makeup routine? Concealing those ugly dark circles. Oh, and getting my make up/brushes away from my baby then picking up all the make up he dumped on the floor!:)

9. What's part of your routine is the most fun? I love contouring and blush. I always see a change in my face like Ahhhh you are alive now.

10. What part of your makeup makes the biggest difference in the way you look? blush/bronzer and of course mascara and eyeshadow.

11. Neutral or colorful eyeshdaow? I'm more of a neutral girl.

12. Liquid or mineral foundation? Liquid- MUFE HD foundation

13. Do you do your hair or makeup first? I did my make up first

14. Did you pack a makeup bag to take with you for the day? I didn't.

15. When did you finish your makeup? I'd say probably by 9:45am


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