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How do you get fruits and veggies into your kids diet?

Monday, September 21, 2009

www.LittleBlends.com wants to know. I let my kids choose the vegetable to have with dinner. If they pick it out then they usually like it. Also doing things like adding cheese sauce on the broccoli, brown sugar to the carrots, etc seems to be appealing to them. They love fruits but like most kids may not be their first choice for snack. My kids love apple slices with peanut butter. Also when I cook, for instance making a stir fry, I mix pineapple into the dish. They love that.

My kids love yogurt. In the summer we also make our own juice pops with ice cube trays and toothpicks. (use bigger sticks like lollipop or popsicle sticks for smaller children) pour their favorite juice in an ice cube tray, put cling wrap over top and insert sticks through cling wrap to hold sticks in place until it's frozen solid. My kids like this because they get to choose the flavor and help make it.

twittermoms.com and www.littleblends.com is having a blogging contest. If you'd like to participate too check out this site for more info:


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