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Its a Lush Life

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I have a volatile relationship with Lush. Sometimes we click. Sometimes we irritate and ignore each other.

What began was a beautiful love affair many years ago when I first earned my own money. We were perfect, made for each other. I spent more money there than anywhere else. We became inseparable.

Soon, however, cracks began to surface. Their products stained my bath red, much to the displeasure of my parents, and they just got boring. I got bored of the smell, the texture, the constant bubbliness..We parted for a while.

A few weeks ago, however, I decided to go back to Lush and every reason for loving it came rushing back to me. The smell, the products, the people..well not them so much. I like enthusiastic sales assistants as much as the next person, but hell, let me shop. No I don't want to see the new products. Yes, I have been here before. And no, I do not need a tour/arm massage/discussion about every product in the shop - although the arm massage would be nice!

I'm a freak for Christmas so getting into the spirit of things bought three products of their new stock:


What they say:

Once upon a time, it seems like everyone fell in love with Cinders last year, so we had to invite her back for Christmas. Bathing with Cinders is like falling asleep in front of a log fire and hearing the crackling embers as the snow falls down. Warming cinnamon, refreshing sweet orange and almond essential oils will make your day every time you have a bath.

What I say:

Apparently this isn't a Christmas one but it should be. Everything about it reminds me of the season. Delish!

Gingerbread House

What they say:

Christmas is a confectioner's dream, especially with our Gingerbread House Bubble Bar. It is sweetly spiced like fresh gingerbread and there's no wicked witch in sight, nor any sign of Hansel or Gretel eating her out of house and home. Its fragrance is a combination of distilled citrus oils, hints of blackcurrant and a spicy shot of ginger. Powdered ginger will warm your entire body as you soak, so there's no chance of Jack getting his frosty digits on you for long!

What I say:

The second I saw it I just had to get it, its a frickin' GINGERBREAD HOUSE!

Candy Cane Bubble Bar

What they say:

While acknowledging that a stick of baking soda and cream of tartar doesn't sound quite as appealing as a stick of sugar, we think you'll change your mind once you smell Lush's Candy Cane. Making another popular comeback, our pink and white swirled stick of solid bubble bath brings froth and fragrant bubbles to your tub. It gives a mouth-wateringly sweet scent of vanilla confectionery to a Christmas stocking and makes your skin lickably soft.

What I say:

If I thought The Comforter was nice, this. is. heaven.

What are your favourite products from Lush?


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