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Cinderella Project helping girls to be princesses for the prom

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I just learned about this last year from one of my coworkers.  The Cinderella project offers prom gowns to girls without the high cost normally associated with prom gowns. New and used gowns are donated and girls are allowed to come and try on prom gowns and borrow them for their prom. 

There are Cinderella Project events going on all over the country.  I live in PA and here is a news story from my local area about the Cinderella Project:
Local PA Cinderella Project Story

I think this is a wonderful idea.  They do not ask for proof of income and anyone can participate.  Do a search for your area to see where your local Cinderella Event is taking place.

I can tell you near my area it's happening at the YWCA in Johnstown

2010 Try On Dates are March 20th and 27th 12PM to 3PM, first come first served, same process as last year you will be giving a number when you arrive and called up to the dresses by number. 1 dress per girl. Remember we have limited space so please try to bring only one family member with you if possible.

That is directly from the Johnstown, pa Cinderella Project Facebook page 

Johnstown, PA Cinderella Project Facebook

IF you have gowns that you would like to donate, you can drop them off at your local Cinderella Project event site or visit: 


for more info.  I think this is a great project.  Also a good way to clean out your closets.  I know I had a couple prom gowns I only wore once.

In my search I found sites for many other Cinderella project sites so do a search and find your area.



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