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Goodbye Darkness- Get rid of dark circles

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Now these are some tired momma eyes. I have blueish/purple circles under my eyes due to lack of sleep (almost 3 years of it) and I pretty much look tried ALL the time. Dark circles can be very aging on the face so I had to find a solution to this pesky problem. My eye "bags" are also a little puffy and unfortunately there is nothing you can do about that. 

Dark circles all natural and at their finest.
Step 1: I added YSL Touche Eclat (color #1) to add a subtle highlight and brighten up the darkness.

Step 2: Amazing Cosmetics Amazing Concealer in Light Golden. Because I have blueish/purple circles I picked a concealer with a yellow base to help counter act those colors. I also took the concealer down on my nose and between my brows. 

Step 3: Benefit Powerflage really helps to even everything out and camouflage any darkness that your concealer didn't cover.

Here are the products:
The YSL Touche Eclat is a highlighter pen made to give you a refreshed look and help cover up any minor darkness (such as an acne scar). I'm still figuring it out and my feelings are a little mixed on this.

Amazing Concealer: I can't say enough AMAZING things about this product. It wasn't named the 'Amazing Concealer' for nothing. It's creamy, easy to work with, doesn't set into fine lines and covers those dark circles right up.

Benefits Powderflage: This product really is quite cool. It smooths out everything under your eyes and takes away any darkness that your concealer could not cover. It's a VERY light, barely there powder!

I think using all of these products really help to make me look feel more awake and not look like something out of the night of the living dead.

Do you have certain products that you consider a "miracle" to disguise dark circles? Now only if I could figure out a permanent way to get rid of the bags. :(


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