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World Down Syndrome day, How can you help?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Since a blogger friend of mine, Grissell, made me aware of the great organization called:
Reece's Rainbow
I've found myself wanting to help these precious children who have been dealt a tough hand in life.
Reece's rainbow helps to raise funds to help loving families adopt children with special needs such as down syndrome.  Please look over the site  There are so many children that need loving homes and donations are always welcome.

I decided to help by becoming a 21.3.10 Warrior. World Down Syndrome day is March 21. From Reece's Rainbow website here is a little info on it.

"Every year, on March 21 (to honor the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome presented in Down syndrome), the world comes together to raise awareness and advocate for people living with Down syndrome.  Because Reece's Rainbow has an international focus, we are doing our part to further the recognition of this very special day!" 
I chose one child (which was difficult believe me) to help raise donations for.  I'd love to see this precious little boy find a family:


Use the Chip-In widget above to donate money to help Toby find a loving family. Chip in is secure and the money goes directly to Reece's Rainbow into Toby's adoption fund.

Here is a little peice of information about him from the Reece's Rainbow site:

Boy, Born October 22, 2009
Toby is another tiny one, perfect age to blend  seamlessly into a new family and benefit from early intervention.  He does have a heart murmur which will need to be followed by a cardiologist once home.

If you would like to learn more about adoption through Reece's rainbow you can use the link above I provided or use the widget on my blog to help you get to their site.


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