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Colorado Pen's rude treatment to potential customers and mommy bloggers

Thursday, March 4, 2010

One of my blogger friends had this post on her blog.  I'm shocked to hear that Colorado Pen is so rude to potential customers and bloggers.  I think anyone who thinks this is a horrible way to treat their customers should send an email, or write a letter, tweet and/or post a blog about this company.   Let's make them realize how much influence us mommy bloggers have. This was in response to an email: 
Barefoot Mommies sent to Colorado Pen.

To see what I'm talking about please read Grissell's blog post:
Colorado Pen's Rude email convo with fellow mommy blogger.

Colorado Pen's website:  www.coloradopen.com

Colorado pen on twitter:

Colorado Pen on facebook:

Also stop by:  Barefoot Mommies blog and let her know you support her.


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