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Princess Mimi (Bambi Series) Chocolate Brown

Thursday, June 30, 2011

   During the weekend, I finally got a chance to wear my Bambi Series Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown. I felt brave and wore these to go shopping! My best friend tried it already and in her opinion it was a really orange brown and was seriously like Twilight. After hearing that, I was a bit scared since I am not a fan of orange brown lens but I bought them already and I'm gettinng into a habit of reviewing any lens I buy. I'm glad I'm starting now since I didn't review any of the lens I bought for 4 years!! (I started lens when I was in 10th grade~so 4 years ago @_@")

Anyways on to my review!!

    I will say, these are way more vibrant compared to the almond brown. While almond brown was a true deep brown, this one is bright brown with (sad to say) an orange tint. It's not very obvious in photos but it's quite bright in real life. I was a bit freaked out of myself since they really did reminded me of Edward and his family's eyes. As the day went on though, I felt more okai about them and plus they were one of the pairs of bambi lens that were actually NOT defective!!! They were quite comfortable but got a little dry at times. It passes my test since I was able to wear it for 11 hours without my eyes dying. (I usually don't wear circle lens for that long)

   These lens are great if you like a really pop out brown and if you don't mind a more reddish orange brown compared to a golden hazel brown. I think these also look quite nice and attractive in photos. Overall these lens aren't bad~I just like the other colors int he Bambi Series more.


Color: 8/10 Vibrant!! (I just don't enjoy the reddish brown color though and I know there are brighter lens out there)
Enlargement: 10/10 Perfect enlargement~I love how round it makes my eyes ^o^
Comfort: 8.8/10 Dry once in a while but nothing eye drops can't solve~Overall quite comfortable!
Overall: 8.9/10 because it's one of the non defective lens that I can actually wear, and a little less points because I don't like red brown but its not that bad~also it's not the most comfortable but 8.9/10 is quite good in my book =D!!


natural lighting

with flash

With flash up close~there's a halo O_O

Cam-whore in the car ^o^



my leopard mirror♥

Yay~finally finished reviewing all 4 colors of the Bambi Princess Mimi Series!! Now I can finally move on to collecting other lens ^o^!!

Now that I tried all of them, which one is your favorite?

Apple green

Sesame Grey

Almond Brown

Chocolate Brown

Thank you for reading♥ look forward to more reviews ^o^


Happy Canada Day!!!!!

Tomorrow is Canada Day and Canada is turning 144 years old!
We are headed to the fireworks tonight and the parade and celebrations tomorrow. If your in Canada how are you celebrating?


20% for month of July at Shabby Apple

I love Shabby Apple's classy and feminine clothing and jewelry. For the whole month of July everything on the site **with the exception of Amalfi Coast Swimwear** will be on sale 20% off!

Dresses from Shabby Apple

So if you've been eying up a certain Shabby Apple item this is your chance to get it and save a few bucks.

Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, and More


Peachy Keen

After a recent trip to my local MAC, something The Mother has been saying for years finally struck a chord. Not only do I buy too much make up, but I repeatedly buy the same sorts of products. I was looking at the mass amount of blushes available, and was slightly overwhelmed until one of the artists came up and recommended Springsheen. Although I was initially looking for something more bronze, I instantly fell in love with its peachy tones. Money handed over, thank you ma'am.

Only to get home and discover that I had three other almost identical blushes. Doh! At the beginning I was a little miffed, having spent over twenty euro on such a similar product. But then rationalised that its a colour that suits me and as long as I don't buy another one (hopefully) equally similar life is peachy. Yeaah?

So the moral of this story? I should probably invest in a variety of products, but hey, I probably won't need to repurchase for a while!

Do you hoard similar make up? Don't even get me started on eyeshadows..

Nars Orgasm - A peachy pink with shimmer, but not glitter. Believe me, I am not a glitter person; so its fab.

Sleek Rose Gold - Sleek's dupe of Nars Orgasm and they are almost identical. If you have one, you really don't need the other. Oops.

Nars Orgasm Multiple - Ditto. Double Oops.

MAC Springsheen - Although very similar to both the Nars and Sleek blushes, its slightly more of a peach. Again, its probably not a necessity. Triple Oops.


TAG - Sobre Mim So Eu Sei


Love Express Perfume = l.o.v.e

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ah-hah... I found the "photo booth" on this computer so scratch what I said below! :)

First off... let me say there is nothing more that I dislike then stock photos when reading a blog. I want to see the real deal. However, my computer is in the shop again and my computer guy let me borrow his MacBook Air... and there is no photo port. Boo. So, stock photo it is.

I was at Express yesterday and their new perfume caught my eye and all my senses when I walked into the store. Right as I walked into the store I smelled this divine scent and I gravitated towards the display. I sprayed it about 5 times while in the store but figured I didn't need another perfume... until I got home and all I wanted to do was rush back to Express and buy it.

So, today... it called me back and it's mine all mine. 
It comes in a 1.7 fl oz ($44.90) or the 3.4 ($59.90)... I got the 3.4 because I had a feeling I'd go through the 1.7 too quickly. 

I am not good at describing scents other than it's smells good... really really good. It's a light, girly, fresh and summery kind of scent. 

But, this is how they officially describe it because "really really good" doesn't really tell you much. ha ha

"Notes of Blackberry, Lily of the valley, Tiare Blossom and sheer vanilla musk". Yumm.

Have you had the chance to check this out yet? No? What are you waiting for then??



Big Hair Woes and New Clothes

As many of you probably know, or have realized after reading my blog...I have huge hair. It's just HUGE. That's pretty much the #1 adjective I use to describe it. So I decided to take a before and after picture of my gigantic hair (pre-straightening) to prove to ya'll just how big it is! (WARNING: Big hair picture may scare young children.) Just kidding...but really.

(As you can see, even I was in shock)
(Thank THE LORD for creating straighteners. I wouldn't be who I am today without them)
 In other news...yesterday, after 4 HOURS of shopping in Forever 21 with Laura, I left with a full shopping bag and a big smile! I mean, who doesn't love new clothes? Lately sheer and silky tunic blouses have been all the rage in the fashion world! Bloggers such as Rumi Neely from fashiontoast ...
Andy Torres from Style Scrapbook
And even celebrities like Heidi Klum have been sporting this new trend!
You can also click this link and see where my beautiful friend Leslie talked about this trend on A Blonde Ambition earlier in the week! So while I was perusing the racks at one of the most hectic, but affordable and cute, stores in the WORLD I made sure to keep my eye out for a tunic...and I found one! So my gorgeous twin and myself decided to take a PPT photo-shoot while we were getting ready for a night out with friends and boyfriends! Check it out, folks...
Me and the boyfriend!
Laura and her friend Caroline!

So if you are searching for a new top that can easily transition from Summer to Fall, then try a sheer tunic or blouse! Pair it in the summer with some cut-offs and wedges, or in the fall with some skinny jeans and boots, and you're ready to roll! Stay tuned for more Summer Style here on PPT...and keep your eye out for a Twitter account coming soon!

keep on keepin on fashionistas
<3 Lindy


Inner Grunge

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

In anticipation of starting my make up course in just six days, I decided to play with my face for a night out. Instead of the usual brown smoky eye I usually go for I opted for something a bit more grungy. I decided to use gel liner as eyeshadow, pressed a bit of powder shaow on top, dabbed a little bit of clear lipgloss over it, and hey presto. Grunge. The had creased before I left my house, but I like it that way.

Laura Mercier Creme Smooth Foundation
MAC Harmony Blush (as contour)
MAC Melba and Springsheen Blush
Josie Maran Lovely Palette (as highlight)
Maybelline Black Gel Liner (as eyeshadow)
MAC Typographic e/s
NYX Clear Lipgloss
Eyeko Big Eyes Mascara

This look was inspired by a beautiful new pair of shoes I acquired a week ago. I cannot walk in them for the life of me, but the guy who sold them to me was too good looking to disappoint. Sad? Yes. But we all do it, don't we?

So here are my fabulous shoes, that will probably remain in their box until I get the courage or ever get drunk enough to wear them. And they are sickly beautiful.


My Wedding

Monday, June 27, 2011

My wedding was perfect! Everything went almost 100%
It decided to rain so we had to have a indoor ceremony but the good news is that the rain stayed away for our photo's and they turned out perfect! Our photographer was amazing and has a true talent.
I love being a Mrs.


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