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Greenworks Green It Yourself videos for green tips

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Greenworks facebook page has lot of videos offering tips to go greener. There's videos for greener tips for kids rooms, bathroom, kitchen, painting, more.

One of my favorites in the painting tips video here:

There are lots of great tips though. Many of the tips Cart give in the Green It Yourself Videos (GIY) are easy changes and pretty easy to implement.

Another tip I liked that I don't often think about is using metal or ceramic baking dishes and cooking utensils to eliminate BPAs getting you your food.    I had changed some of our waterbottles to the eco-friendly reusable metal or BPA free but never thought about my cooking utensils.  Not sure why.  The video kind of gave me that aha moment if you know what I mean?

So stop on by Greenworks Facebook page and pick up a few tips that interest you. 

***I wrote this post as an entry into the Mom Bloggers Club summer giveaway. ***

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