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Monday, June 20, 2011

Sorry I have been so slack lately, readers! Summer classes are CRAZY but today I have a little fun "I have a dream" themed post for you (kinda)! This week for my Public Speaking class we had to come up with a special occasion speech to present as one of our final grades! We could pick whatever category we wanted it to fall under, and if we chose to we could pretend we were receiving an acceptance speech for an actual award that we one day aspire to receive! So what I decided to do was pretend I received the Bloglovin' blogger of the year award! 

Woohoo, go fictional me! So without further ado (which is a phrase btw that we aren't allowed to use in our speeches), here is my fake acceptance speech and the fake ensemble I would DIE to wear if I was actually receiving it! Enjoy... 

First off I want to thank the Bloglovin’ community for graciously awarding me blogger of the year! When I started Pirates Prevailing Taste my aspirations to be featured on Bloglovin’ seemed impossible. Never in a million years did I imagine I would be standing up here in front of my fans and some of my biggest role models. People who started out as my inspiration have now become my peers in one of the greatest experiences of my life. Fashiontoast, A Blonde Ambition and Style Scrapbook are just a few of the remarkable blogs that inspired me to create my own. Bloglovin’ has opened up so many doors and opportunities for me and has provided me with immeasurable love and support. 
When creating my blog in 2010 the only thing I sought after was to spread my love of fashion around East Carolina University. I wanted students to know that even if they aren’t famous or a model they can still be recognized for their sense of style. Furthermore, I would like to thank my classmates. If it wasn’t for them and my fans reading my blog day after day I wouldn’t be standing here at this moment. But it wasn’t just my colleagues that made attaining this award possible; I would also like to thank the designers. If it weren’t for their clothes my obsession with fashion would cease to exist. 
And last but not least I would like to thank my family, friends, and Pirates Prevailing Tastes wonderful photographer Allison. Without her we wouldn’t have captured the essence of ECU’s fashion like we did in so many shots. I am beyond thankful for all the encouragement that has surrounded me for the last 6 years. I hope that today I leave you all with the knowledge that no matter if its something as simple as buying your favorite pair of shoes, or as life changing as winning blogger of the year, you should always chase your dreams. Like Coco Chanel once said “success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.” Thank you again! 

keep on keepin' on fashionistas
<3 Lindy


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