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BFTE Cosmetics Haul

Thursday, June 23, 2011

About 2 months ago I purchased from Beauty From The Earth cosmetics and well I lost the package.
Long behold, it was shoved in side my plastic organizing bin.

So without further a do, here is my review.......

*Sifters were included, but I never use them. I don't like them.*

These were the sample size jars!
They were all $2.00 a piece.

(L-R) Tropical - Midnight Kisses - Bondage - Very Vanilla - Rasberry


Now...the Full Size Jars I ordered...

(L-R) (Limited Edition) Oxford ($4.99)- Dew Drop (COTW - $2.00)
*COTW - Color of the Week!

Swatches - These two colors were hard to catch.
Photos don't give either enough credit, especially the Oxford.

Oxford is like a peachy pink with glitter--drool!

Overall I would say that I am impressed. I am more of a HEY LOOK AT ME eyeshadow person but these colors cover your basics. My favorites out of the bunch are Midnight Kisses, Very Vanilla and Oxford. Those will most likely be the ones I re-stock when necessary! The pigments go on the skin really smooth. There is no odor to the shadows. All shadows were applied to skin with no primer.

Hope you enjoyed!
What's your favorite BFTE color?


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