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Big Hair Woes and New Clothes

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

As many of you probably know, or have realized after reading my blog...I have huge hair. It's just HUGE. That's pretty much the #1 adjective I use to describe it. So I decided to take a before and after picture of my gigantic hair (pre-straightening) to prove to ya'll just how big it is! (WARNING: Big hair picture may scare young children.) Just kidding...but really.

(As you can see, even I was in shock)
(Thank THE LORD for creating straighteners. I wouldn't be who I am today without them)
 In other news...yesterday, after 4 HOURS of shopping in Forever 21 with Laura, I left with a full shopping bag and a big smile! I mean, who doesn't love new clothes? Lately sheer and silky tunic blouses have been all the rage in the fashion world! Bloggers such as Rumi Neely from fashiontoast ...
Andy Torres from Style Scrapbook
And even celebrities like Heidi Klum have been sporting this new trend!
You can also click this link and see where my beautiful friend Leslie talked about this trend on A Blonde Ambition earlier in the week! So while I was perusing the racks at one of the most hectic, but affordable and cute, stores in the WORLD I made sure to keep my eye out for a tunic...and I found one! So my gorgeous twin and myself decided to take a PPT photo-shoot while we were getting ready for a night out with friends and boyfriends! Check it out, folks...
Me and the boyfriend!
Laura and her friend Caroline!

So if you are searching for a new top that can easily transition from Summer to Fall, then try a sheer tunic or blouse! Pair it in the summer with some cut-offs and wedges, or in the fall with some skinny jeans and boots, and you're ready to roll! Stay tuned for more Summer Style here on PPT...and keep your eye out for a Twitter account coming soon!

keep on keepin on fashionistas
<3 Lindy


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