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Darling Girl Cosmetics order and swatches!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I've been eagerly awaiting my first order from Darling Girl Cosmetics for awhile now, and when I received it yesterday in the mail I couldn't wait to try everything out!  This was my first experience with an indie makeup company, and I am hooked to say the least.
I placed my order during Susan's first sale, which was over Memorial Day weekend and it was Buy 2 Get 1 free.  It was also my first time using Paypal, so I really didn't know what was going on, haha.  It turns out my order got lost (as I can imagine how crazy busy she was with all the orders), but Susan was more than courteous despite the mix up- she included a few extra samples and a Liquid Kisses lip gloss which was so sweet!  I wasn't expecting that as I didn't even really know how the whole ordering process worked through Paypal and Ecrater (the website her store is hosted through).  I also got my package two days after she emailed me about the mix up.  Consider me impressed!
Anyway, onto what I ordered :)

Look at how cute the packaging is!  She wrapped my petit eyeshadow/blushes in the green tissue paper, my blogger sample pack in a little box, and my free samples+Liquid Kiss in the zebra packet.  She also includes a card along with it.  So nice!

Samples (eyeshadows unless otherwise noted), Top L-R: Belle, Sugar Minuet, Cider, Scarecrow
Bottom L-R: Dulce de Leche, Candied Apple (Kiss Me tinted lip balm), My Little Pony, Masquerade

Petits, Top L-R: Hollywood, Cydonia, Snuggle
Bottom L-R: Paradise Pink blush & Yes, Virginia! blush

Fuchsia Flush Liquid Kisses lip gloss

Liquid Kisses gloss in Fuchsia Flush

Samples (all eyeshadows):
L-R: Belle, Sugar Minuet, Cider, My Little Pony, Scarecrow, Masquerade, Dulce de Leche

Petits (eyeshadow unless otherwise noted):
L-R: Cydonia, Hollywood, Snuggle, Yes, Virginia (blush), Paradise Pink (blush)

Kiss Me tinted lip balm in Candied Apple

The sample baggies come with 1/8 of a teaspoon ($.60 each), and the petit sizes are mini jars with 1/4 teaspoon ($2.00).  Full sizes come in jars with 3/4 teaspoon ($4.00), although I didn't purchase any this time- I will in the future! :)  I do think the pricing per quantity is very affordable, though.  I also like that everything comes in different sizes so if I'm not sure about something, I can get either a sample or a petit jar to try it out.  And the full sizes are still a great deal so I don't feel bad buying everything in that size!

This is my first time doing swatches for a mineral makeup company, so I'm pretty sure my swatching  didn't do the eyeshadows justice (they were all done using a damp brush).  Since I will be purchasing from DCG in the future, I plan on trying the Stay the Day eye primer to help make them more vibrant.  I got so many compliments today when wearing them (see the quick EOTD at the end of this post), and each eyeshadow has so much dimension that I couldn't capture in pictures.  I love how pretty and soft the colors are, though, and how great their lasting quality is.  My eyeshadow looked just as fabulous tonight as it did at 8am this morning when I applied it.  They all have beautiful shimmer.

I love the blushes I tried- Yes, Virginia! is a gorgeous violet pink, and Paradise Pink is a light peachy pink that I will be purchasing as a full size.  The two I got are not quite matte, but have a slight sheen that gives a nice finish- easy to wear and my personal favorite.  They also lasted me all day, which was a pleasant surprise!  I wore Yes, Virginia today with My Little Pony eyeshadow and the Fuchsia Flush gloss for a pretty, girly look.

For lip products, I got to try one of the Kiss Me tinted lip balms in Candied Apple, and the Fuchsia Flush Liquid Kisses gloss.  The tinted lip balm is just that- a slight tint, but glides on just like a moisturizing balm.  The Liquid Kisses gloss leaves a subtle amount of color that is nonsticky and smooth.  These don't last too long on me, but I love the shine they give off (check out my lip swatch!).

Quick EOTD using Snuggle, Cydonia, and Masquerade eyeshadows

Overall, I'm more than pleased with my order and think that Darling Girl Cosmetics is a great little company.  I can't wait to make another purchase in the future!
Until then, what are your favorites from DCG if you've tried them?  I'd love to know!  Or if you haven't yet, what are some of your favorite indie makeup brands?  I think I'm hooked. :)


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