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Found some giveaways with LOW and Very Low Entries

Monday, June 20, 2011

My personal definition of Low entry giveaways is under 100 entries ending in less than a week. Some of the giveaways I found today are ridiculously low. So, go help out a blogger and maybe win yourself a prize.

1.  Bicultural Mama has a giveaway for Pediasure samples and coupons.  Only 4 entries (and 2 of them are mine) ends June 22, 2011.

2.  Chocolate Moosey has a giveaway for McCormick world flavors collection spice pack giveaways.  Ends June 26, 2011.  Only 5 entries right now (and 3 of them are mine). 

3.  Officialrules.com has a giveaway for $100 in games and sports equipment right now. Only 8 entries so far and one of them is mine.  Ok so looking at the rules it's not actually over until Aug 31 which doesn't fit my definition BUT it's a national sweeps so I though it might be worth mentioning.

4.  Carries Rambles has Resvitale collagen enhance chews ends 6/24/2011 with only 24 entries so far.  I have tried Resvitale products myself and thought they were great.  I put quite a few entries in this one.

5.  Carries Rambles has a Green Tea Plus Natural Weightloss supplement giveaway with only 12 entries and ends 6/24/2011

I'm still entering today so if I find more, I'll post it.

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