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Mrs. Globe

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blog slacker I am indeed. 
As I said in my last post I was without my computer for 3 weeks and now summer is in full swing life has been b-u-s-y! It feels like I am doing something everyday. 

At the end of August I'm going to be doing the Mrs. Globe pageant... I'm really excited about it. I grew up watching pageants and always dreaming I could be apart of something like that. I got married and had babies young so my chances of doing Miss Michigan were no longer. I found out about the Mrs. Globe pageant a few months ago and it sounded like something I'd really love to be apart of. Not only is it a beauty pageant... it's a charity for the WIN Foundation which helps in the recovery and healing of abused women. 
http://mrsglobe.com/ http://www.winfoundationinternational.org/

A few months ago I was feeling like ever since I left Guatemala (in 2005) a hole has been missing in my heart... that hole was helping someone other than myself. Feeling I am really doing something that's making a difference in the life of another. I'm really excited about the WIN Foundation because it's a beautiful organization that helps women who once had no hope...find healing and hope again! 

So, now... on to the glitz and glamour!
I found this dress at   http://www.nikkisdressingroom.com/designers/jasz-couture/jasz-couture-4365.html (make sure you check out this site if you are looking for dresses... most amazing selection ever!)
I can't wait to get it and show you what it looks like in pictures but I think it's really pretty!

Let me know what you think!

I also need to get a yellow summer dress and a day time white dress or outfit. I need a yellow bathing suit and gold shoes. If you have any recommendations of stores or dresses you've seen... send 'em on my way! :)

The pageant is August 27th in Rancho Mirage, CA
If any of you live near there and want to come to the pageant you can find information about tickets on the Mrs. Globe website!

Reviews to come:
MUFE lipsticks
Dr. Perricone Cold Plasma
MAC Well Dressed {new favorite blush}
IT Cosmetics
Favorite self tanner!


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