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MAC Haul

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm soooo happy! I went to MAC yesterday. I took back the Prep & Prime and a few other things that I got but wasn't sure about or didn't open.
This is what I got...

129 blush/power brush. How did I EVER live without this brush. This should be a staple brush in every make-up junkies life! It really makes a world of difference. The 129 really helps your blush go on just amazing! This is a MUST HAVE!!

I got the Cubic blush. Gorgeous, gorgeous color. It's a nice muted soft pink color.

I also got the blush Margin. I LOVE THIS! To me it's like a very subtle So Ceylon... it gives that whole candle light glow on the cheeks. It's a stunning color. MAC description of it is Muted peach with golden shimmer (Frost)

On to the shadows...I got Satin Taupe and Woodwinked. One word for both- lovely!


left to right- cubic, margin

left to right- satin taupe, woodwinked


Are you warm or cool colored?

I have warm coloring but I found this very helpful understanding what that really meant. I found it at Carefair.com Here is the article.

"Am I Warm or Cool?

No two colors tell which category you’re in better than gold and silver. Place two color swatches, one gold and one silver under natural or bright incandescent light (fluorescent lights change your skin tone and will not give you an accurate color test.) Remove all jewelry from your hands. Place one hand on the gold swatch and the other on the silver swatch. One hand will look pasty, the other healthy and bright. If the hand on the gold swatch looks best, you are a warm. If the hand on the silver swatch looks best, you’re cool. Remember, these categories have nothing to do with your personality. It simply identifies your natural skin tone.

Look closely at the back of your hand, warm skin tones will have yellow-orange cast. Cool skin tone has no yellow-orange. If you’re a cool, you’ll see blue undertones.

This is key to building a color cosmetic palette that will complement your skin. Choose shades with frost or shimmer and undertones according to the hue of your skin.

What are “My Colors”?

It’s difficult to start choosing shades of make up in an attempt to find your best look. Instead, start with an easy, do-it-yourself color test to find what shades will compliment your face as well as your wardrobe– both work together to give you your perfect look.

Remove all make up and style your hair as you usually do. (If your hair is colored, pull it back or wrap in a white towel. This will tell you if your hair color is your best shade.) In front of a mirror large enough to see your entire face and shoulders, under bright sunlight or natural lighting, drape yellow material (any articles of clothing will do) around the front of your neck across bare shoulders and chest. Look at how that color affects your face. If you are warm, it will brighten your appearance, minimize dark shadows and draw attention to your eyes. If you’re cool the effect will be just the opposite. Your face will look sallow and blotchy with pronounced shadows around the eyes, nose and mouth. If you’re cool toned, drape blue material to see the effect you’re going for – bright skin and eyes with no pronounced shadows. Continue to color test all your favorite tops. Make two piles, one that works and one that doesn’t. When you’re done, look at the pile that works. Those colors will tell you what makeup shades are best for you.

In general you will find that warm tones best wear beige-based foundations and concealers while cool tones wear ivory-based foundations and concealers.

Warm tones best wear color cosmetics in natural earth colors like mocha, bronze and browns in shades from camel to warm dark taupe. Try eye colors in bright navy, warm tawny oranges and sage, olive, moss, jade, grass, celery and apple greens. Experiment with highlighter shades in white, peach and apricot. For a night out, look for lipstick shades in brick red, dark tomato or burnt orange. Be sure your shimmer has translucent gold undertones.

Cool tones best wear rich colors. Try eye wear in vivid blue-red tones from royal to aquatic blues, sapphire to soft pastels. Look for deep emerald and icy greens, plum and rose-based pinks. Choose highlighter shades in pure or soft white. Pure black mascara enhances cool skin. Be bold in lip colors like ruby and electric pinks."

Have a great night!:)


MAC Fix+

Sunday, December 28, 2008

My dear sister in-law got me this for Christmas. I didn't even ask for it or even knew I wanted it! This stuff is great! My favorite thing about it is the scent... it's smells delicious! I can't even really describe the scent but it's very light and refreshing. The Fix + works amazing to set your make-up and give you a very beautiful dewy look or just a nice "pick-me-up" when you are feeling tried. It has caffeine in it as well as cucumber extract and other minerals.
I haven't tried this but I've heard of some girls using this on their hair to calm the frizzies as well as spraying the Fix+ on their eyeshadow to give it stronger color.
I really like this stuff... not really so much for setting my make-up but because it's really refreshing. I've had almost 2 years of broken sleep... yep...haven't slept a whole night through in 2 years...so I'm tired!! This stuff makes me feel a little more energized in the morning.


The Foundations that I have and what I feel about them

Saturday, December 27, 2008

I'm really not a big foundation gal to be honest with you but I've been wearing them more this year for some odd reason. Maybe it's because I'm getting older and I need more coverage or maybe I just was bored with using the Bare Minerials (doubt it, though..I love BM).
Here is what I have and here is what I feel about each one.
-Smashbox HD Heathly FX Foundation in Fair F2
I just got this one and I have to say I'm quite impressed. It glides on very smoothly and doesn't feel heavy on my face. It's a light foundation but it gives very nice coverage. It doesn't have a scent so that's a plus for me. It seems to be very gentle on the face. This one so far seems to be a winner in my book. It was $38 from Sephora.

-Revlon ColorStay in 180 Sand Beige
I really like this one. To me this seems like a MAC Studio Fix NW20 dupe except it doesn't smell bad like the MAC and doesn't break my face out also like the MAC.
This has amazing coverage! It's a long wearing foundation so that means not a lot of touch ups during the day because it lasts a long time..hence the name ColorStay!:) It's kinda thick in the consistancy but doesn't feel cakey or drying on my face. It doesn't really have a scent either... I'm very please with this one as well.
Around $10 from the drugstone

-MAC Studio Fix Fluid in NW20
Why I keep using this is beyond me! I will be nice and say it does give great coverage however... it smells HORRIBLE!! The first day I tried it I had a headache from it. That's not good! This stuff breaks my face out BAD. It's not like normal pimples either.. I can't even explain it...they are like deep under the skin and just stay there... like a hard bump...gross!! I've heard other people say this foundation broke their face out with weird pimples, too...two of which were my sister in-laws who were using this as well. Time to chuck this one I think.

-L'Oreal True Match in W3 Nude Beige
I've had no problemos with this one! It's a very nice color and gives medium coverage and feels light on the face. This has no scent and I've had no problems with this one breaking me out. I don't normally grab this one but I really should. It's a very nice CHEAP foundation. Cheap in price but not in quality!



From left to right- smashbox, ColorStay, MAC, L'oreal


Make Up Forever HD Power Review

I must admit I had REALLY high hopes and expectations for this powder. I'm sad to report I am extreamly disappointed! I really dislike this stuff! It makes my face feel really dry and kinda cakey. It claims to be completely sheer but it makes me look uber white! It's a very messy product. It's hard to put on without it getting on your shirt or pants or even in your hair! It didn't give me that polished look as I was hoping. The BE Mineral Vail is a different type of product but basically the same idea and I'd have to say save your money on the MUFE Powder because the Mineral Vail will give you the same effect but maybe even better. The BE never made my face feel dry! Today at Sephora I picked up Lorac's Translucent Touchup Powder in TL2... this stuff is amazing. This is the type of product I was hoping the MUFE HD Power would be. The Lorac's does give a little color to the face but it's very light and sheer... covers my pores and smooths out my face. I highly recommend this over the HD Power any day.
Like any review this is only my opinion... beauty is subjective. Some people may love this and some may not... and I'm one who doesn't care for it sadly.


Beauty Society and My skin care routine

Monday, December 22, 2008

For some odd reason the website I posted before isn't working anymore. I've had a few people ask about the site so here it is...


I've been using these products for my daily skincare routine. I've have NO break outs and extreamly smooth skin since I've started using it. These products are very gentle and perfect of sensitive skin.

Here is what I've been using-
First I cleanse my face with the "EASY GOING gentle creme cleanser". It's very gentle on the skin yet gets all the make-up off...which is a must! It's so important to get all the make-up out of your pores. You know what clogged pores means, ladies. Nasty pimples!

Then I use the "Crystal Ball microdermabrasion treatment" 3 times a week. I was using MAC's product like this and MAC's was just ok... but I've really like the Crystal Ball. It makes my face feel like it did when I was a kid...so soft!!

After I wash my face I use "Our Little Secret" firming serum. This does a great job to firm the skin...

Then I use "LOVE THY FACE miracle moisturizer". My skin has been SOOOO dry this winter and this has really help...BIG TIME!

The final step is Photoshoot make-up primer. I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!!!! I've tried the MAC Prep & Prime.. hated it. I've tired the Smashbox primer...yuck. The Photoshoot has a very matte/smooth feel... yet very light on the skin. It make the make-up look flawless and very smooth on your face.

Once a week I use "UPTIGHT hyper firming masque"....and this mask is AMAZING...you wear it for 10 minutes and it tightens your face right...when you are wearing it though... don't try and drink anything...lol.. you won't be able to open your mouth that wide. Like I said...It does an amazing job at tighting your face.

So, using these products daily you will have great skin. My skin has gone down the crapper these past few years from tanning, having two babies, being stressed out, getting older... I truly do believe these will be my fountain of youth if I continue to use them...which I'm going to. I've tried a lot of products and I can honestly say I've been extreamly impressed with all of these. I wouldn't tell you so if I wasn't!:)


Top 5 Silver Nail Polishes

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Compliments of Peoplstyle.

Silvernails stand out and make a statement...the perfect color for the New Year!!

1. Dior in Pure Diamonds $19

2.Lippmann Collection in Stardust $15

3.CND in Silver Anniversary $6

4.OPI in New Skates $8.50

5.Calvin Klein in Steele $10


Make-up done by Gloria winner of TLC's Get Your Face On!

WOW! I am so excited for the make-up artist Gloria who won TLC's Get Your Face On!
She is super talented! I got the pleasure of having her do my make-up back in '06 (I was actully 6 months pregnant with my first son here!)
I am SOOOOO happy she was the winner!!
Here is some of her work! All MAC products were used.


Tag! I'm it now... :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I was tagged by the lovely Yelebella to give 16 random fact about myself. Ok, this is going to be hard... I'm kinda boring. LOL

1. I lived in Guatemala for two years and have about 13 Guatemala stamps in my passport. I worked at an orphanage there...I moved there when I turned 19. Myself and 3 other girls worked with the babies... this was a full-time job (no pay)...a 24/7 job. Basically we were these babies mommas because we were in charge of them around the clock..feeding them, bathing them, loving them, taking care of them when they were sick. We had 13 kids under 2 in our care.

2. I become interested in make-up from the time I could walk. I have pictures of me from when I was 2 when I got into my moms make-up... my face covered in purple eyeshadow.. or the time when I found the markers and colored my lips and cheeks red and my eyes were colored in blue. Ha ha.

3. I have two little sons! They are exactly 17 months apart. Neither were planned but both are gifts.

4. I secretly want to have my own TV show.. I dream about it. I secretly wanna be an actress too... but who doesn't?

5. I must have A.D.D or something because I get really excited about a project or doing something but then I just stop doing it and never finish it. I wish I wasn't like that. It's a bad quality.

6. I'm actually rrreeeally inscure about looks. If I could tweak like 10 things about my face/body maybe I'd be a little more content but probably not.

7. I used to be obsessed with myspace than it went to facebook and now it's youtube

8. I llloooovvve coca-cola. I crave it if I don't get at least one can a day.

9. I hate to work out. Hate it. All my life I always weighted 100-105lbs and never worked out a day in my life... but now that I've had two babies I think I might have to!!:(

10. I hate my hair. It's naturally curly and it takes forever to straighten it and it never looks right. I've been growing my hair long for 6 years and it's taking sooooo long!!

11. Websites that I check daily (some are weird) hotmail, youtube, myspace, facebook, danasdirt.com, celebrity-babies.com, google, makeupalley

12. I'm addicted to HGTV! I love love love to decorate and wish I had a million bucks to make my house they way I want it.

13. I hate to clean. My house looks like a bomb went off every night...toys everywhere, books, sippy cups on the floor...and night after night I pick everything and line all my sons cars up...and I'm soooo over cleaning!!

14. I love to dance. I took salsa lessons when I was in Guatemala and I so wish that I was an amazing salsa dancer.

15. I'm so not adventurous with make-up. I stick to a semi natural look... if I were to put black eyeshadow on I'd seriously look like a drag queen. I don't think I look good with a lot of make-up on... it makes me look horrible. If I try something new and put my blush on darker or make my eyes darker I get super insecure about it and have a hard time looking people in the face because I think I look horrible!!!

16. I would give anything to live somewhere warm (ie Cali, AZ, FL) because I hate the cold...brrr... but I couldn't stand being far from family especially now that I have two small kids.

I TAG YOU!!!!!!!!


Here are a few of my favorite things...as the song goes...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Make-up! by Sardun


Thanks Rite Aid though I don't like you

I went out to Rite Aid tonight...it's like 2 miles from my house... I don't usually go to Rite Aid... anyone that knows me knows that I hate Rite Aid for some odd reason ( I needed an US Weekly to curl up with on this cold windy night). I grew up going to CVS so that's what I prefer plus I think the CVS stores are cleaner and nicer but that's a whole different story.
Anyway, on to my story...I must live in the most boring/uncool town because look what I found...

I think my town is the only town in the US that has any of these left...let alone a FULLY stocked display.
I picked one more up for my contest. Now I have two Sunstones and one moonstone to give away.
I know they aren't like $50 products and they are from the drugstone but they are limited edition and I just wanted to give some people who couldn't get them a chance to try them..ya know? Plus I really like the Sunstore a lot. It's a very pretty color!


Youtube Contest Time

Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm gonna try and make the video sometime tomorrow but I got one of the last Chroma Face Glows in Moonstone/Sunstone today. I know a lot of people were having a hard time getting their hands on it. So, I wanted to make sure someone who really wanted it could get the chance to try it. You can choose either one! I suggest the Sunstone though!:)
So, all you have to do it subscribe to my youtube
http://www.youtube.com/user/sardun1 and leave a comment.
It doesn't matter where you are from..USA, France, Africa, Mexico... it's my gift to you!:)

Have a good night... and I'll try and get the video up sometime tomorrow!:)



LORAC Translucent Touch Up Powder & TANtalizer

I love love love this stuff. I hate powder to tell you the truth because I have really dry skin and powder tends to make my face feel dryer. I hate the way it feels when I move my face... it makes my face feel so tight.
This stuff is different than any other powder I've put on my face. It's so light and sheer and really pretty! My face feels so soft and smooth. It gives you a very finished/glowing look. I love it! It's non drying and it's made for sensitive skin..so in sense... it's perfect!:) The color I use is TL 2.
It's $32 from Sephora.

TANtalizer Baked Bronzer
This stuff is BEAUTIFUL!!! Very much reminds of MAC's So Ceylon but a little more bronze. It's such a pretty color and looks great on. It's an amazing pop of color and fab glow... it's $28... I still prefer the SO Ceylon but this is a def must have because it's a little different in color.


Make-up Vanity

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I don't have a proper make-up vanity and it makes me sad. Boo hoo. I have to sit down doing my make-up for some reason so I have a full length mirror in our walk-in closet and it sit on the floor in there. Horrible lighting. Not enough space. Not enough storage. Not happpy.
I saw the COOLEST vanity at IKEA a few years ago. It was a tall vanity and it had doors on the front so at first glace it looked like a modern cupboard/desk with a tall stool. When you open it up...*gasp*...every girls dream! *sigh* The inside was a huge mirror and the doors had lights on them and the inside at the top of the mirror had lights = FAB LIGHTING. It had several drawers. It was in a word...perfect! I literally sat at it for 10 minutes (mind you I was 9 months preggers and a few days overdue with my first son but whatever) and went back to it a few times while we were there. It was $500 so I didn't get it... but I dream of it.
I tried to look for a picture of it but I couldn't find it online! :( :(
I saw this vanity..it's TOTALLY differnet than the IKEA one and it's totally girly but it's 2,000...so ha! nevermind! I found it at this site and they have some cute ones and some ugly ones, too.



It was never a diss

I wanna make something clear... I never "dissed" Enormous Lash. Someone thinks it funny how one day I'm dissing it and the next day selling it. In my post about being annoyed was because when I returned there was a big misunderstanding because I had bought mine off of ebay and not directly from the company. Everything is worked out and I started talking to the lovely ladies at the company and they told me how I can being a selling "Diva" for them and it sounded like a GREAT business opportunity because I'm a stay at home momma and it would be a great way to make some extra money. Beauty Society sells other things besides Enormous Lash... they sell the most amazing skin care/anti aging products.

Again I must say... I never dissed Enormous Lash. I just had a baby and really don't have the patience right right now for it. It says it could take 6 to 12 weeks to kick in and I only gave mine a fair 3 weeks. In my first blog about it I said I started to see new hair sprout out within a few days of using it. To me that's pretty impressive! So, I wanna make it clear.. I never dissed them.
SO, if you guys think it's "funny" that I'm now selling it... than that's fine. I'm also selling EVERYTHING from that company...which is a great line. It's not your Grandma's skincare company... it's fresh and youthful and seriously really good!

I'm sorry if you think it's "funny" I'm selling this stuff but hey that's ok. It's gonna help out my family and create a good business for me!:)
Plus...it's stuff I love skincare and cosmetics!!:)


Beauty Society

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hello my beautifuls! I have a new business venture...and I wanted to share all the amazing cosmetic/skincare products with you... if you see anything you like make sure to get them from


It's winter now...and my skin is dry... but I have a secret weapon!
Love Thy Face by Beauty Society! It's an ultra-rich moisturizer that will leave your face feeling so soft...so beautiful.. sooooo smooth! It's super gentle on the skin for all your sensitive skin girls... like my self.
Check it out here... it's so worth it and so helpful for dry skin!


Another product I recommend is called Photoshoot. It seriously makes you look like you just had a photoshoot with an amazing MUA working her (or his) magic on your face. Product description goes as follows..
"Get ready for your close-up with this translucent matte emulsion that glides on like silk and instantly gives your skin a warm, vibrant, flawless glow! Using a revolutionary soft-light diffusion technology that deflects light away from the skin, Photo Shoot gives a luminous smoothness to even the roughest surface, softening fine lines and wrinkles, "shrinking" pores and evening out discoloration and harsh skin tones (including rosacea). Perfect for use under all-out "glammy" makeup...or even when you just feel like baring it all."

Yes... it's as amazing as it sounds!!
Check it out here-


We also sell the famous Enormous Lash. I stopped using mine... not because it was a bad product but because I got lazy... ok... maybe not lazy putting it on but I guess I got impatient. I'm gonna start using it again though...it works. Just look at lollipop26's eyes... holy cow!! AMAZING!!!

Please check it out and if you are interested in any of the products feel free to ask me anything about them.

THANKS, girls!!!!


yoyo lipgloss

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I haven't seen it in stores yet but there's a new lipgloss out called yoyo lipgloss. So what's different about it? it's on a retractable string that you can put on your hip, purse, bookbag, whatever you use. At first I was like why? but then i realized...wow i wouldn't lose it. I take a lipgloss in my clipboard with me at work. I'm thinking this would be a good idea.


Zoom Whiting and all things shallow...

Monday, December 8, 2008

I have an appt. in January to get my teeth zoom whitened! I'm SO excited! Super blinding white teeth here I come!
Has anyone else gotten this done and if so what did you think of the end result?
My close family and friends know that I'm soooo obsessed with anything cosmetic... if I had a million dollars oh baby watch out because a lot of people would be getting a lot of money from me.
For example.. here I am just given birth...doctor still down town checking things out and we are talking about BOTOX! WHAT??? My OB does botox in his office and I once asked him about it and he told me to talk to him when I wasn't preggers...so after I gave birth my mother in-law says to my doctor "tell her she doesn't need botox" because she knew I had a complex about my doctor saying that I needed it... and looks me right in the eye and winks... "we'll talk! Next time you come in we'll see what we can do." Noooo wrong answer... he was supposed to say "You are kidding, right? You don't need botox... your fine!" Ha ha... now I want botox because he gave me a complex!
And the list goes on of things I want but we won't talk about that today!:)
Back... to the zoom I'd like to hear any ones feelings about it... or botox or anything shallow and completely fabulous like that!:)


Revlon ColorStay...oh how you've impressed me!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

I haven't gotten drug store foundation in years... actually, I honestly haven't worn foundation until this year. I use Bare Minerals daily but I'm getting older. LOL Well, I'm only 25 but I'm noticing I some days need just a little more coverage and more of a finished look. I've been reaalllyy wanting to try the Make Up Forever HD Foundation but it's $40 and I need to be spending money on others this season and not myself!:) I've heard good and bad things about the MUFE so the bad things have kinda made me hesitant about getting it.
I heard that the Revlon ColorStay is a close dupe. I got it last night and I'm seriously impressed. I like it wayyy better than my MAC Studio fix for sure. The Revlon feels so smooth and light on my skin and no nasty scent like the MAC. The coverage is great without looking cakey. It was $10! Can't beat that!!
I got my color in 180 Sand Beige... and it's the perfect color for me... it's just a little darker than NW20...and that's perfect because the NW20 was just a little too light for me so this color is perfection!!


CHI Silk Infusion

Oh my gosh.. this stuff is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!! I didn't think I would like it this much! I have really annoying hair. It's very wavy and curly and I always have to straighten it. When I blow dry my hair it usually looks really kinky underneath and kinda frizzy.
The Chi Silk Infusion makes my hair sooooo soft, smooth and stright. I didn't even have to straighten my hair today!!! That to me is amazing. I ALWAYS have to strighten my hair!
You only need a tiny bit because it's pretty concentrated and just work it through your hair before you blow dry. Repeat when using a flat iron or curling iron because it protects your hair from the heat.
I've heard some people say they didn't care for the smell of it but I actually like the smell.
I got the small bottle and I mean SMALL bottle for $13 at Walgreens.
I'm soooooo impressed with this stuff and so happy I've found it.
I recommend it for all hair types but especially for wavy or curly that gets straightend a lot!
Wish it wasn't so pricy but I think it's well worth it!!!


NYX and Buxom Lips!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I looovvveee the Buxom Lips by Bare Essentials. I got the color Dolly and it's a really pretty dark plum color. It doesn't really come out that dark as you'd think from seeing it in the tube. I love the minty feel on my lips. The other color I really like from this collection is called Star. It's beautiful.
I paired my Buxom Lips in Dolly with NYX Twig... another color that's amazing but it's just like MAC's Twig... like exactly.. even the same name. I may even like the NYX better because the MAC's is more of a matte and feels kinda dry on my lips and the NYX feels so smooth.

NYX Twig with Buxom Lips in Dolly overtop.


I heart So Ceylon & Chroma Face Glow

Monday, December 1, 2008

This was my Thanksgiving Glowing Look...

I simply adore MAC's So Ceylon MSF with NYC Chroma Face Glow in Sunstone mixed together... it gives the perfect shimmer/glow.

I'm in l-o-v-e!:)



Magic Lash

So, I returned my Enormous Lash because I'm not that patient to wait 6 to 12 weeks for something to work...I'm more of an instant gratification kinda gal. I'm sure the Enormous Lash works for people who put in the time but I wasn't willing to. I wanted longer lashes and NOW...and I don't have the time for fake lashes either.

I was on youtube a few weeks ago and came across a video about Magic Lash... and I was impressed. I was a little scared to try it because I hate wasting my money on things that sound too good because they usually are.

This was not the case. It works!

Magic Lash is not a serum or a mascara it's small white fibers that cling to your lashes and lengthen and thicken them. You apply the wand with the fibers to just the ends of your lashes or where ever you want length.

First you must apply your mascara and right after apply the Magic Lash...you have to make sure your lashes are still wet with the mascara when you apply the Magic Lash. Repeat mascara, Magic Lash, mascara and so on until you get the desired length. I took an eyelash comb to my lashes after and they look great and are so soft and feathery!!

It was $15 from overallbeauty.com and came packaged sooooo cute with a nice personal Christmas card. Very sweet and thoughtful company. They owner personally wrote me an e-mail and sent a sample of an mineral eyeshadow.

Go to overallbeauty.com and check it out!!:)

Left side with Magic Lash and mascara and right without anything






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