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Thanks Rite Aid though I don't like you

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I went out to Rite Aid tonight...it's like 2 miles from my house... I don't usually go to Rite Aid... anyone that knows me knows that I hate Rite Aid for some odd reason ( I needed an US Weekly to curl up with on this cold windy night). I grew up going to CVS so that's what I prefer plus I think the CVS stores are cleaner and nicer but that's a whole different story.
Anyway, on to my story...I must live in the most boring/uncool town because look what I found...

I think my town is the only town in the US that has any of these left...let alone a FULLY stocked display.
I picked one more up for my contest. Now I have two Sunstones and one moonstone to give away.
I know they aren't like $50 products and they are from the drugstone but they are limited edition and I just wanted to give some people who couldn't get them a chance to try them..ya know? Plus I really like the Sunstore a lot. It's a very pretty color!


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