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MAC Fix+

Sunday, December 28, 2008

My dear sister in-law got me this for Christmas. I didn't even ask for it or even knew I wanted it! This stuff is great! My favorite thing about it is the scent... it's smells delicious! I can't even really describe the scent but it's very light and refreshing. The Fix + works amazing to set your make-up and give you a very beautiful dewy look or just a nice "pick-me-up" when you are feeling tried. It has caffeine in it as well as cucumber extract and other minerals.
I haven't tried this but I've heard of some girls using this on their hair to calm the frizzies as well as spraying the Fix+ on their eyeshadow to give it stronger color.
I really like this stuff... not really so much for setting my make-up but because it's really refreshing. I've had almost 2 years of broken sleep... yep...haven't slept a whole night through in 2 years...so I'm tired!! This stuff makes me feel a little more energized in the morning.


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