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Tag! I'm it now... :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I was tagged by the lovely Yelebella to give 16 random fact about myself. Ok, this is going to be hard... I'm kinda boring. LOL

1. I lived in Guatemala for two years and have about 13 Guatemala stamps in my passport. I worked at an orphanage there...I moved there when I turned 19. Myself and 3 other girls worked with the babies... this was a full-time job (no pay)...a 24/7 job. Basically we were these babies mommas because we were in charge of them around the clock..feeding them, bathing them, loving them, taking care of them when they were sick. We had 13 kids under 2 in our care.

2. I become interested in make-up from the time I could walk. I have pictures of me from when I was 2 when I got into my moms make-up... my face covered in purple eyeshadow.. or the time when I found the markers and colored my lips and cheeks red and my eyes were colored in blue. Ha ha.

3. I have two little sons! They are exactly 17 months apart. Neither were planned but both are gifts.

4. I secretly want to have my own TV show.. I dream about it. I secretly wanna be an actress too... but who doesn't?

5. I must have A.D.D or something because I get really excited about a project or doing something but then I just stop doing it and never finish it. I wish I wasn't like that. It's a bad quality.

6. I'm actually rrreeeally inscure about looks. If I could tweak like 10 things about my face/body maybe I'd be a little more content but probably not.

7. I used to be obsessed with myspace than it went to facebook and now it's youtube

8. I llloooovvve coca-cola. I crave it if I don't get at least one can a day.

9. I hate to work out. Hate it. All my life I always weighted 100-105lbs and never worked out a day in my life... but now that I've had two babies I think I might have to!!:(

10. I hate my hair. It's naturally curly and it takes forever to straighten it and it never looks right. I've been growing my hair long for 6 years and it's taking sooooo long!!

11. Websites that I check daily (some are weird) hotmail, youtube, myspace, facebook, danasdirt.com, celebrity-babies.com, google, makeupalley

12. I'm addicted to HGTV! I love love love to decorate and wish I had a million bucks to make my house they way I want it.

13. I hate to clean. My house looks like a bomb went off every night...toys everywhere, books, sippy cups on the floor...and night after night I pick everything and line all my sons cars up...and I'm soooo over cleaning!!

14. I love to dance. I took salsa lessons when I was in Guatemala and I so wish that I was an amazing salsa dancer.

15. I'm so not adventurous with make-up. I stick to a semi natural look... if I were to put black eyeshadow on I'd seriously look like a drag queen. I don't think I look good with a lot of make-up on... it makes me look horrible. If I try something new and put my blush on darker or make my eyes darker I get super insecure about it and have a hard time looking people in the face because I think I look horrible!!!

16. I would give anything to live somewhere warm (ie Cali, AZ, FL) because I hate the cold...brrr... but I couldn't stand being far from family especially now that I have two small kids.

I TAG YOU!!!!!!!!


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