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Beauty Society and My skin care routine

Monday, December 22, 2008

For some odd reason the website I posted before isn't working anymore. I've had a few people ask about the site so here it is...


I've been using these products for my daily skincare routine. I've have NO break outs and extreamly smooth skin since I've started using it. These products are very gentle and perfect of sensitive skin.

Here is what I've been using-
First I cleanse my face with the "EASY GOING gentle creme cleanser". It's very gentle on the skin yet gets all the make-up off...which is a must! It's so important to get all the make-up out of your pores. You know what clogged pores means, ladies. Nasty pimples!

Then I use the "Crystal Ball microdermabrasion treatment" 3 times a week. I was using MAC's product like this and MAC's was just ok... but I've really like the Crystal Ball. It makes my face feel like it did when I was a kid...so soft!!

After I wash my face I use "Our Little Secret" firming serum. This does a great job to firm the skin...

Then I use "LOVE THY FACE miracle moisturizer". My skin has been SOOOO dry this winter and this has really help...BIG TIME!

The final step is Photoshoot make-up primer. I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!!!! I've tried the MAC Prep & Prime.. hated it. I've tired the Smashbox primer...yuck. The Photoshoot has a very matte/smooth feel... yet very light on the skin. It make the make-up look flawless and very smooth on your face.

Once a week I use "UPTIGHT hyper firming masque"....and this mask is AMAZING...you wear it for 10 minutes and it tightens your face right...when you are wearing it though... don't try and drink anything...lol.. you won't be able to open your mouth that wide. Like I said...It does an amazing job at tighting your face.

So, using these products daily you will have great skin. My skin has gone down the crapper these past few years from tanning, having two babies, being stressed out, getting older... I truly do believe these will be my fountain of youth if I continue to use them...which I'm going to. I've tried a lot of products and I can honestly say I've been extreamly impressed with all of these. I wouldn't tell you so if I wasn't!:)


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