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CHI Silk Infusion

Friday, December 5, 2008

Oh my gosh.. this stuff is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!! I didn't think I would like it this much! I have really annoying hair. It's very wavy and curly and I always have to straighten it. When I blow dry my hair it usually looks really kinky underneath and kinda frizzy.
The Chi Silk Infusion makes my hair sooooo soft, smooth and stright. I didn't even have to straighten my hair today!!! That to me is amazing. I ALWAYS have to strighten my hair!
You only need a tiny bit because it's pretty concentrated and just work it through your hair before you blow dry. Repeat when using a flat iron or curling iron because it protects your hair from the heat.
I've heard some people say they didn't care for the smell of it but I actually like the smell.
I got the small bottle and I mean SMALL bottle for $13 at Walgreens.
I'm soooooo impressed with this stuff and so happy I've found it.
I recommend it for all hair types but especially for wavy or curly that gets straightend a lot!
Wish it wasn't so pricy but I think it's well worth it!!!


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