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E.L.F Essential Lip Sticks

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Previously I posted that I had ordered from www.eyeslipsface.com when they were having a sale on their mineral eyeshadows. If I purchased $25.00 or more I got 10 free eyeshadows. Well since I have a ton of their products already, I was just buying cheap fillers...

I decided to try their Essential Lip Sticks that cost $1.00 a piece. I bought 4 of them.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Nostalgic, Classy, Captivating and Flirtacious.


Package says they are made in China.

(Without Flash)


LEFT TO RIGHT: Nostalgic, Classy, Captivating and Flirtacious.

The tube itself is very light, probably the equivalent to two nail files.
They have a fruity smell to them.
They go on very smooth and are soft.
Only thing I had happen is when I did the swatches, 3 of the lip sticks broke on me. Now I don't know if it has anything to do with the heat and humidity we have in Eastern PA right now, but it made me sad. OR maybe it's because they were $1.00 each.

The Swatches:

Overall I give the lip stick 3 "stars"
Based on price and color.

I most likely won't purchase anymore.
I do love the mineral eyeshadows from e.l.f and pretty much
everything else I've boughten from them. Can't have everything!


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