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Hospitopia, have fun while donating to the Children's Miracle Network of Hospitals

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How many of you love to play the Facebook game apps? You know the games like Farmville, Cafe World, Frontiersville, etc? Yea I'm guilty. I have a few that I like to play. Some of them are pretty addicting.

Well a company called CausePlay created and customized the new Facebook game, Hospitopia specifically for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. 10 % off all gross revenue will be donated to the Children's Miracle Network of Hospitals. When you sign up to play Hospitopia you'll be asked who you will be playing for.  There's a drop down box with CMN Hospitals to choose from.  Me, I'm playing for Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC.

In Hospitopia you get to build and grow your own hospital, take care of patients, and play little side games inside the game like the Jumbieland nursery game. 

The game is fun and free to play.  As long as you are on Facebook, you can play.  I already started my hospital:  FFCM Hospital (go figure right?).    I'm still learning the ropes but it seems pretty easy so far.  I've played 2 of the side games too.  Also watch videos to earn money for your hospital and "miracle points" to buy cool things to customize your hospital 

You can also find Hospitopia on twitter: @hospitopia

If you all have ever watched the xtranormal videos on youtube.  Some of them are pretty funny.  Well they did a video for Hospitopia.  Hope you enjoy.  

If you all want a neighbor in Hospitopia, just let me know.  See you there. 

***I was not compensated in any way for this post.  I completed this post because I'm a supporter of the Children's Miracle Network and wanted to share this great opportunity to donate with you. ***

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